How do hamsters know to run on the wheel?

I know they do it for exercise.. but how do they know to do it? Doesn't seem similar to anything they'd find in the wild.

    How do hamsters know to run on the wheel?

    I know they do it for exercise.. but how do they know to do it? Doesn't seem similar to anything they'd find in the wild....
    Other Pet Discussions : How do hamsters know to run on the wheel?...

    • How do hamsters know to run on the wheel?

      How do hamsters know to run on the wheel? Other Pet Discussions
      I know they do it for exercise.. but how do they know to do it? Doesn't seem similar to anything they'd find in the wild.

      How do hamsters know to run on the wheel?

      How do hamsters know to run on the wheel? Other Pet Discussions
    • I guess they just work it out when they stand on it. Just imagine....*Ooh, what's that? Oh, a bowl of food! Ooh what's that? Oh, a house with a comfy bed in it! Ooh, what's that? It's round, doesn't smell of anything, *jumps up on it* ooh it moved, *takes a step*, ooh it moved again, this is fun!! *Runs on it*

    • its in their instincts. Mine is getting chubbier,,, so he runs and extra 3 hours at night.... OMG>... now I let him out in his ball more often so I dont have to hear him run for 6 hours... I should find a way to preserve this energy to use elsewhere!!! LOLcheck out my 360 , Thank you