My 8 month old kitten is scared to poop!?

I have two cats -- a 4 year old female and an 8 month old male, who is neutered. Last week was the first time he has ever decided not to use the litter box. It's like he's too scared to poop until it just comes right out against his will.Examples: He…

    My 8 month old kitten is scared to poop!?

    I have two cats -- a 4 year old female and an 8 month old male, who is neutered. Last week was the first time he has ever decided not to use the litter box. It's like he's too scared to poop until it just comes right out against his will.Examples: He…...
    Other Pet Discussions : My 8 month old kitten is scared to poop!?...

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    • My 8 month old kitten is scared to poop!?

      My 8 month old kitten is scared to poop!? Other Pet Discussions
      I have two cats -- a 4 year old female and an 8 month old male, who is neutered. Last week was the first time he has ever decided not to use the litter box. It's like he's too scared to poop until it just comes right out against his will.Examples: He will run around like his butt is on fire, and poop while he's running. This is most common. He will also sit and then move around every few minutes, and then take a big dump wherever he was sitting: such as the bed last night. *sigh*He's been to the vet's twice since this started happening. They have given him a clean bill of health. We haven't changed the litter, haven't changed the food, and he gets along great with my female cat.When I notice him running around, I take him to the litter box, but he scratches and claws and will not use it! He will pee in it, however.I've bought another litter box, and placed it in another room, away from the other one, but that hasn't changed anything yet. Please, I need some help!The boxes are the closed type.Well, we might have something... it seems there is blood in his poop. :( It just reared it's ugly head tonight.

      My 8 month old kitten is scared to poop!?

      My 8 month old kitten is scared to poop!? Other Pet Discussions
    • try changeing the litter to a different type. It is really odd... maybe the cat doesnt liek the smell.. try more wet food too i know that it is bad but it will make the poop a little bit more runny and maybe this will comfort him more to going int he box... do you have closed boxes? cause i noticed my cat will freak out in her box ( which has a cover) sometimes when her poop smells really bad.

    • Well to tell u the truth the exact same thing happened to me! I took an 8 gallon air compressor and u can guess the rest. I dont think my cat even digests its food now! Its food kinda just flows right though it like magic. They sell most air compressors at hardware stores in the Chicago area. ~glad i could put my input

    • Sounds like you've already gotten the answer - it hurts for him to go!Poppy was never that bad, but she had loose stool for her first two years. The vet assured me it was just kitten stomach and it would clear up. Not. Anyway, I knew it was uncomfortable for her to go because she'd dash off afterwards like the hounds of hell were after her. Now that you've found the bloody stool, you should take that in for analysis. I don't know what the problem might be, but if your cat has already been examined and come up clean, you may want to consider getting a second opinion from another vet, and/or changing his diet.Poppy's diet of crappy Purina dry food was the reason for her loose stool, and I cured that by switching her to a good quality canned food.Her system remains very sensitive, but she's doing very well now.