why does my kitten suck at my rabbit`s fur?

this is a question asked by my daughter. she has a kitten abt 2 weeks old, she has a baby rabbit too which is abt 2 months old, they r very friendly n play together almost all the time. but the kitten has d habit of sucking at the rabbit` fur( d upper…

    why does my kitten suck at my rabbit`s fur?

    this is a question asked by my daughter. she has a kitten abt 2 weeks old, she has a baby rabbit too which is abt 2 months old, they r very friendly n play together almost all the time. but the kitten has d habit of sucking at the rabbit` fur( d upper…...
    Other Pet Discussions : why does my kitten suck at my rabbit`s fur?...

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    • why does my kitten suck at my rabbit`s fur?

      why does my kitten suck at my rabbit`s fur? Other Pet Discussions
      this is a question asked by my daughter. she has a kitten abt 2 weeks old, she has a baby rabbit too which is abt 2 months old, they r very friendly n play together almost all the time. but the kitten has d habit of sucking at the rabbit` fur( d upper shoulder part) . why does the kitten do this to he rabbit? is it safe? wouldnt d rabbit`s fur get tinto the kitten`s stomach?

      why does my kitten suck at my rabbit`s fur?

      why does my kitten suck at my rabbit`s fur? Other Pet Discussions
    • You have a 2 week old kitten????? Take it back to its mother immediately! It will surely die otherwise. No wonder it's sucking on the rabbits fur. It's trying to nurse!

    • Do you mean that you've had the kitten for 2 weeks, or she's 2 weeks old? If she's only 2 weeks old, she's too young to be away from her mother. She's probably sucking on the fur because she needs to nurse. If you rescued her, talk to a vet about how to feed her properly. This is very important; she can (and probably will) die if not cared for properly.If she is AT LEAST six weeks old, then this is normal behavior. My cat sucks on things that have a texture she enjoys - it's substitute nursing behavior and it means she is content.

    • If the kitten is 2 weeks old, then the kitten is TOO YOUNG to be away from it's mother. The kitten is probably trying to find a way to nurse. You really need to return the kitten OR get the proper feeding formula and bottle feed this kitten. Ask your vet or at least go to a pet store and ask for info.I had a cat who was weaned too early and had a terrible habit of chewing on wool socks! It practically ended a friendship when he chewed a perfect little hole in my friend's cashmere sock!

    • Are you saying you took a 2-week-old kitten away from its mother?!?! No wonder its still trying to nurse!How long should kittens stay with their mother?A kitten should stay with its mother for an absolute minimum of ten weeks and preferably twelve. Although they may be "weaned" prior to eight weeks, they will still have the occasional need to nurse. Kittens taken from their mom cats before this time often develop nursing behavior on themselves, other cats, humans, or fabric, and these habits will often continue throughout adulthood.They also need this time to learn proper cat behavior from their mother cat, including use of the litter box, socializing with humans and other cats. The time they spend with their mother and siblings is very important. Try to imagine how a human would be affected if you took him away from his parents at a very young age, and he didn’t have the proper role model to learn from. Often kittens that are separated from their mother too soon, have problems learning to use the litter box, or will be very withdrawn and shy, and/or have social problems with other animals as well as humans.