My cat has been throwing up a whitish foamy bile, what could be wrong with him?

My cat has been throwing up a whitish foamy bile, what could be wrong with him?

    My cat has been throwing up a whitish foamy bile, what could be wrong with him?

    My cat has been throwing up a whitish foamy bile, what could be wrong with him?...
    Other Pet Discussions : My cat has been throwing up a whitish foamy bile, what could be wrong with him?...

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    • My cat has been throwing up a whitish foamy bile, what could be wrong with him?

      My cat has been throwing up a whitish foamy bile, what could be wrong with him? Other Pet Discussions
      My cat has been throwing up a whitish foamy bile, what could be wrong with him?

      My cat has been throwing up a whitish foamy bile, what could be wrong with him?

      My cat has been throwing up a whitish foamy bile, what could be wrong with him? Other Pet Discussions
    • how many times over how long? could be gastritis. Is he eating and drinking normally and keeping food down? Does it happen after he goes poo in the box?I think you should call the vet

    • Does it have a smell to it? like chemical? If so he could have gotten into some kind of cleaner, such as bleach, ammonia based products ect, or he could have a bit of a stomach virus thing going on, did you feed him any milk or milk based products? Sometimes cats can have milk allergy's, just give him plenty of water, only dry food,(try a really good brand, even if it is expensive) and no can food for a few days, if he is still throwing up you need to get him to a vet, cause he can become dehydrated fast, also check to see if he has been having diarrhea, which can also contribute to dehydration.

    • Run don't walk to the vet. It's almost always kidney failure. I waited 24 hours and my cat died of kidney failure. Check his gums for ulcers. My cat also stood funny at the very end. If I had taken him when he first threw up the white bile, he may still be here. Love to you and you baby. Please take your kitty soon.

    • Hopefully your cat has either been to the vet by now or recovered. It's important to know how often your cat was vomiting, for how long, and if there were other symptoms (diarrhea, lethargy, not eating or drinking, etc). Vomiting can be a symptom of many different things, and no, it isn't almost always kidney failure.