how can I tell if my cat has a fever?

my cat (11months) has been throwing up (clear mucus) and isn't being as active as usual. How can I tell if she has a fever? (she feels warm) (we've been having record breaking heat, can that be why?) THX

    how can I tell if my cat has a fever?

    my cat (11months) has been throwing up (clear mucus) and isn't being as active as usual. How can I tell if she has a fever? (she feels warm) (we've been having record breaking heat, can that be why?) THX...
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    • how can I tell if my cat has a fever?

      how can I tell if my cat has a fever? Other Pet Discussions
      my cat (11months) has been throwing up (clear mucus) and isn't being as active as usual. How can I tell if she has a fever? (she feels warm) (we've been having record breaking heat, can that be why?) THX

      how can I tell if my cat has a fever?

      how can I tell if my cat has a fever? Other Pet Discussions
    • using a rectal thermometer is the only way,wrap up a bag of peas in a blanket and give you cat the Choice to sit on it but do not force it to stay there.

    • honestly the vet always just took the temp in the behind and that's how we knew. keep the kitty inside and give lots of water and maybe some hairball remedy from the petstore. if it doesn't quit in a day then I'd take it to the vet it may have something caught in it's chestalso pure pumpkin from a can like what you bake pumpkin pie with gets stuff to come out nicely if you feed it to them. not pumpkin pie filling...just pure pumpkingood luck

    • Usually the ears will be HOT if they have a fever. Or either the skin on their ears is little more red (or purple - depending on the cat's coloring) if they have a fever. Throwing up clear mucus could mean they have internal parasites, which will make them sick to their stomach, even when they haven't eaten anything. Cats can naturally feel warm - t's just their nature. Your cat may nt have a fever at all if it's parasites. If she developes diarrhea, she needs to be taken to a vet. It could be more serious than just worms.

    • most accurate is to use a rectal thermometer. you can put one of those thermometer sheaths on it then some vaseline or oil. Normal rectal temp is 101.5 F.. but can vary a degree F. on either side. If you have a thermometer that you put on the forehead you can press that against the temple where the fur is usually thinner and that is not as accurate but can at least give you an idea. You can put some ice packs or frozen food, wrap a baby blanket or towel around it and put it in a box next to the cat If it is very high like over 106 call an emergency vet.