please help with my dog and his eating habits?

my dog won't eat any kind of dog food ... we tried all kinds of different types ... he will only eat the cat's food and when he do he throws it up a little while after and he throws up stomach acid too (I assume) I think it's cause he won't eat ...…

    please help with my dog and his eating habits?

    my dog won't eat any kind of dog food ... we tried all kinds of different types ... he will only eat the cat's food and when he do he throws it up a little while after and he throws up stomach acid too (I assume) I think it's cause he won't eat ...…...
    Other Pet Discussions : please help with my dog and his eating habits?...

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    • please help with my dog and his eating habits?

      please help with my dog and his eating habits? Other Pet Discussions
      my dog won't eat any kind of dog food ... we tried all kinds of different types ... he will only eat the cat's food and when he do he throws it up a little while after and he throws up stomach acid too (I assume) I think it's cause he won't eat ... anyone have any thoughts on whats going on here?No rude comments pleaseHe will sometimes eat his own food but hardly ever ... and when he do throw uo he don't try to eat it, no ...

      please help with my dog and his eating habits?

      please help with my dog and his eating habits? Other Pet Discussions
    • A healthy dog will not starve itself. Take the dog to the vet to rule out any medical problems first. If there are no issues, pick one brand of dog food and stick to it.Feed the dog 2-3 times per day. Put the food down for 15 minutes each feeding time.If the dog is not done after 15 minutes, take the food away until next feeding.Do not give any treats, or allow access to the cat food during this time.The dog will learn to eat.

    • This is definitely going to be a trip to the vet. He is probably nauseous and can't keep food down so he won't eat his dog food. He could have any number of problems, including Lyme's disease, worms, or acid reflux. Only a vet can tell you- take him before he starves himself to death.

    • Take this poor fella to a vet pronto! If he finds nothing wrong, try things like chicken or something (my dog loves it!) Also, my dog hates dog food, only eats human and cat food. But he's just fine.

    • take it to the vet because some cat food contains some tuna or fish ! and sometime they could loose the hair! so take it to the vet! but when he throws it up does he or she eats it up again! just curious

    • Take him to the vet to rule out any medical problems, and then feed him BARF (biologically appropriate raw food), Prey Model (meat and bones) or a home cooked diet including table scraps and vegetables offer the food twice a day for 10 minutes at a time he will get hungry and eat. Make sure you remove the cat food so he cannot reach it and do not give treats until he starts to eat he regularly eats meals.Hope this helps.