My cats are going to starve themselves. Please help?

This is long but I really need help.My cats are 15 and 10 years old. They were fed very cheap food they're whole lives. Mainly the Selection grocery store brand because my mom didn't understand ("They're just cats"). And I was only a kid so obviously I…

    My cats are going to starve themselves. Please help?

    This is long but I really need help.My cats are 15 and 10 years old. They were fed very cheap food they're whole lives. Mainly the Selection grocery store brand because my mom didn't understand ("They're just cats"). And I was only a kid so obviously I…...
    Other Pet Discussions : My cats are going to starve themselves. Please help?...

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    • My cats are going to starve themselves. Please help?

      My cats are going to starve themselves. Please help? Other Pet Discussions
      This is long but I really need help.My cats are 15 and 10 years old. They were fed very cheap food they're whole lives. Mainly the Selection grocery store brand because my mom didn't understand ("They're just cats"). And I was only a kid so obviously I didn't know better. But when I started working a few years ago I started buying them a little bit better stuff, but still cheap at the grocery store because I didn't know any better. The last thing they've been eating was Purina Cat Chow. The thing is, is that they vomit all the time. I spend years dealing with cat puke. I knew it was the food but I didn't know what else to do. I didn't have money for $50 bags of food and my mom didn't want to take care of them anymore. I've been to the vet about them both vomiting and she said try Science Diet which I recently did and they stopped throwing up for a week then started again and now they won't touch it at all. One throws up the food and the other (the oldest) throws up stomach acid, hairballs and pure water minutes from drinking it, sometimes he throws up food. They've been on mainly dry kibble which I just researched was very bad for them and they should be on wet food which I've been buying. They eat the cheap stuff (dry and wet) but throw it up. But with the expensive stuff they won't touch it. Although, they did like the Science Diet wet food but I don't want them ignoring it after a week like the dry food.I just bought a bag of Blue Wilderness Chicken and they won't touch that either. I mixed a bit in with the Science Diet but since they won't touch the Science Diet, they won't touch the Blue... I doubt they would if it was just alone anyways. I also bought 4 cans of Blue Wilderness Wet food and they won't touch that either which is shocking. They've barely eaten all week. I got a few samples from a pet store of 100% grain free, real meat dry kibble and they vomit that up.I don't know what to do. The 10 year old might have a grain allergy and that only stuff that's grain free is the expensive stuff they won't touch and the 15 year old might have diabetes or kidney problems. He has the symptoms. I'm so stressed out trying to figure this out. I work full time and my life revolves around them. I can't be gone for more then a few hours after work because I have to be home to take care of them or clean up cat puke or figure out how to get them to eat. I don't know what to do anymore. I spent over 30 minutes at 2 different pet stores this weekend trying to find something, reading all the labels and comparing prices/lbs and ingredients. I'm taking them both to the vet again very soon and I'm getting the oldest tested. But with all the problems I've had with animals, vets don't know anything. I will snap if they suggest Science Diet. Not only do they not touch it but it's the same ingredients as cheap grocery store food. It's garbage. I mentioned last time to the vet if they should be only on wet food because I read online that years back when they were wild, they weren't really dependant on water, they got their moisture from the meat of other animals and she said oh that was so long ago, they obviously aren't like that anymore if there's a bowl of water sitting right there. Dry is fine.Has anyone else dealt with any of this before? What should I do? My cats should not be causing so much stress. I'm 20 years old. ALL my money and time goes to them. I can't do this anymore. And giving them away is not an option.Thanks.They're never outside but they used to practically live outside for their entire lives. But we just moved a year and a half ago and I'm nervous that they'll freak out because they won't know where they are. There's also a very busy street outside my complex and A LOT of kids who I can't imagine would treat them good if they caught them. They also won't go downstairs because of the dogs. They don't get along at all. I would love for them to go outside any maybe I'll introduce them to the new outdoors this spring because I can tell they miss it so much. My cats overall health is good. They eat normally when they do want to eat. They drink water just fine. They groom themselves and are happy and pur and seem fine.And when they vomit they're fine. They don't look in pain. They just go on their merry way and usually go back for more because they're stomach is empty. But they've been throwing up for years. It's nothing new. But it&#

      My cats are going to starve themselves. Please help?

      My cats are going to starve themselves. Please help? Other Pet Discussions
    • Its possible that the problem is not the food at all but furballs because at this time of the year cats are moulting. They groom themselves, take in loads of fur that forms into a hard ball in their stomachs which is uncomfortable until vomited up, in the meantime they dont want to eat or they eat then vomit. If you don't already do so, trying brushing them both using a hairbrush with soft plastic bristles. Most cats enjoy being brushed and will lay down on one side, then get up and let you do the other side. Hot weather can also affect a cat's appetite and its common for them to go right off their food when the temperature is high, but they make up for it later so it all evens out in the end.The 15 year old is coming to the end of its life and may have age-related other health problems affecting its eating. Another aspect to consider is whether, if they go outside, someone else is feeding them too.Personally I would get a whole load of single sachets of all kinds of wet food, its a bit more expensive but then you could experiment and see what they eat and what they don't.Please try not to worry so much, and I hope you get your cats' feeding sorted soon.

    • first of all please calm down you cant help your cat if your stressed iknow its stressful but it is gonna be easier to help your cats that way..syringe feed them with the wet food and put it in thier mouth ( theyll eventually eat it) i know it sounds cruel but thats just for the mean time.Go to the vet ASAP... also try to ask other cat owners in your area for any BETTER vet... if you know any go ahead and bring them there... A noledgable vet should put them on IV fluids because of the vomitting and it shall give them some ions( or nutrients whatever they call it ) they will bring your cats back to a better state and treat them for any illnesses.the part when your vet discovers hidden illnesses will be devastating or could be not depending on the illness or better he will not discover anything! :) But if he will be calm and keep your ground.He will give you options based on a more knowledgeable point of view.The only thing that could help you is a better sum up everything:syringe feed them and/or force feed them in the mean time.Go to a better more knowledgeable vet when it comes to catsWish i helped you:)

    • Are your cats indoor cats ? Do u allow them to go outside sometimes ? If not then plzz allow them to go outside,this will really reduce their stress and they may feel free for sometime.Dont feed them with any commercial food now,they should be given only their natural food which they get by predating on small animals like birds and rats.This will surely enable them to eat something.Ur cats just want some freedom to go outside so let them have it.Good Luck !!!

    • Your cats are just like the human kids who are accustomed to eating junk food from McDonald's and now are told they are eating healthy food. They aren't going to like it! But given some patience you can convert your junk food junkies to a better dry diet, and eventually to canned. But you have to start slowly, and make smaller changes.Get their Purina, and a bag of a decent but "lesser quality" food from the pet store. Some good ones would be Petsmarts authority brand, or Nutro or Max Cat. Quality foods but not the premium ones. Mix their Purina with the new food but make it mostly Purina. After a few days, increase the amount of new food, and keep going until you have them eating all new food! Now it's time to go up a step with a better food. You can try mixing the new foods you have bought with the one they are currently eating, again mixing them gradually like you did before. This generally gets even the stubborn ones eating the premium foods. And if they won't eat it, you at least have them eating a higher quality food than the grocery store stuff!Hang in there and know that in a few weeks you will have them eating better :)

    • Do they wolf down their food? If so that can cause them to throw up within a few minutes of eating. Our cat does this and we've had to put golf balls in her food dish to slow her down. It helped quite a bit. Also slowly transitioning cats to new food is probably best. I'm not sure how to made the switch over, but if they refuse to eat anything but their old food.. Give them their old food back. Cats that don't eat can get extremely sick, very fast. So if they start eating the old food again, slowly add another food to it and make the transition.