my cat had her first baby 2 days ago and today her stomach is still moving is it normal for her to be in laber

is it normal for her to still be in laber she is 7 years old and this is her 20 th batch of kittens

    my cat had her first baby 2 days ago and today her stomach is still moving is it normal for her to be in laber

    is it normal for her to still be in laber she is 7 years old and this is her 20 th batch of kittens...
    Other Pet Discussions : my cat had her first baby 2 days ago and today her stomach is still moving is it normal for her to be in laber...

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    • my cat had her first baby 2 days ago and today her stomach is still moving is it normal for her to be in laber

      my cat had her first baby 2 days ago and today her stomach is still moving is it normal for her to be in laber Other Pet Discussions
      is it normal for her to still be in laber she is 7 years old and this is her 20 th batch of kittens

      my cat had her first baby 2 days ago and today her stomach is still moving is it normal for her to be in laber

      my cat had her first baby 2 days ago and today her stomach is still moving is it normal for her to be in laber Other Pet Discussions
    • Cats' wombs can get "tired" after having so many litters of kittens. I agree with the other answerers that your cat should go to the vet. She may be too tired to continue laboring and she may have retained a kitten. This could lead to a serious and life-threatening uterine infection.If she has retained a kitten, the vet will probably have to deliver it by Caesarean section. If your cat has an infection, your veterinarian will have to spay her to get rid of the infected uterus.If she's not sick yet, why not make an appointment to have her spayed while you're at the vet's office? She's had more than enough kittens by now, and the longer she goes unspayed, the greater the chance that she will develop cancer of her mammary glands, uterus, and ovaries.

    • She probably has more kittens inside that haven't been born yet. Get her to the vet asap, because if that's what it is, she could die. All of the kittens should be born within a few hour period-- not days. Did she deliver placenta or just that one kitten?I'm also going to tell you to get her spayed. You just said she has 3 litters of kittens a year? I wonder how many of them are now strays or at the pound or humane society waiting to be euthanized?