My sister's cat has stopped eating,why?

The cat is seven years old and suddenly stopped eating.He is really weak and we force feed him vitamins cause he won't accept solid food.Why did this happen and is it fixable?The doctor said he did all he could (vitamin injections mostly) but now it's up…

    My sister's cat has stopped eating,why?

    The cat is seven years old and suddenly stopped eating.He is really weak and we force feed him vitamins cause he won't accept solid food.Why did this happen and is it fixable?The doctor said he did all he could (vitamin injections mostly) but now it's up…...
    Other Pet Discussions : My sister's cat has stopped eating,why?...

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    • My sister's cat has stopped eating,why?

      My sister's cat has stopped eating,why? Other Pet Discussions
      The cat is seven years old and suddenly stopped eating.He is really weak and we force feed him vitamins cause he won't accept solid food.Why did this happen and is it fixable?The doctor said he did all he could (vitamin injections mostly) but now it's up to us to do the force feeding and see if it works.Any ideas please?

      My sister's cat has stopped eating,why?

      My sister's cat has stopped eating,why? Other Pet Discussions
    • I'm not really agreeing with your doctor. Get a second opinion. He's not an old cat! The vet could do tests to help figure something out. Try switching foods or something like that. But DEFINITELY find another vet to see if they can help.Good luck!

    • GO TO ANOTHER VET PLEASE!!!! does not sound like he is doing his job correctly.... your cat is 7 years old and that is NOT old.... please take him to someone else... when a cat stops eating..... there is something very wrong.... dont be scared to go.... just know that he CAN get better..... Cats tell you they are hurting by not eating and not moving to much.... just get him to a different doctor.

    • I agree with the others. Take the cat to another vet. Also try the food you know that he loves. You may also want to tell your sister to try ading some warm water to wet food. Our cat is old and loves the warm water added to the food, make sure that you mix the water and food.

    • My cat is 6 yrs old, on Friday he stopped eating... Saturday stopped interacting still didn't eat or poo (obviously) Sunday he stayed in the closet all day... Monday I took him to the vet 107 was his temp. Dr gave him a shot of antibiotics and by that evening he was feeling much better... he however gets to go in tomorrow to see if he's back to normal or if we need blood tests... take the baby to another Doc. 7 is young my beautiful girl cat was 20 when she died.

    • I am worried for this cat!! The lack of appetite can be caused by a number of things: depression, anxiety, pancreatitis, an intestinal obstruction, or even a sore tooth. Some of these conditions are very treatable, particularly if you see your veterinarian right away. However, it sounds like your vet isn't too concerned.. I suggest switching vets or at least getting a second opinion. Your veterinarian should have performed blood and urine tests and a physical exam to determine what illness is keeping your cat from eating. He or she should have also checked whether your cat is dehydrated and whether she needs to be given fluids or nutrients through an IV (intravenous) or NG (nasogastric, passing through the nose into the stomach) tube. Good luck! Let me know how he does!!