My cat got spayed yesterday and won't eat???

My 10 month old calico got spayed yesterday and still, she doesn't want to eat! She drank a bit of water!! When will she start to eat, I'm getting worried! I never should have got her spayed, she looks like she lost 4 pounds in her stomach,will it come…

    My cat got spayed yesterday and won't eat???

    My 10 month old calico got spayed yesterday and still, she doesn't want to eat! She drank a bit of water!! When will she start to eat, I'm getting worried! I never should have got her spayed, she looks like she lost 4 pounds in her stomach,will it come…...
    Other Pet Discussions : My cat got spayed yesterday and won't eat???...

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    • My cat got spayed yesterday and won't eat???

      My cat got spayed yesterday and won't eat??? Other Pet Discussions
      My 10 month old calico got spayed yesterday and still, she doesn't want to eat! She drank a bit of water!! When will she start to eat, I'm getting worried! I never should have got her spayed, she looks like she lost 4 pounds in her stomach,will it come back and when??

      My cat got spayed yesterday and won't eat???

      My cat got spayed yesterday and won't eat??? Other Pet Discussions
    • She should be fine. The drugs that they give the cat when they put them out to spay can stay in the system for a while. and eating lighter may be what is needed so not to have a stomach upset, drinking is good.And spaying is a good deed, especially at a young age, it helps the cats have more immunity against other feline medical conditions.Both of my females didn't eat much for the first day they were home. I would suggest just watching her and if you are still worried, call your vet, they will reassure you it is natural, and that will put your mind at ease.

    • Relax, she still might be grogged out from the anesthesia. If she doesn't start eating by tonight, call the vet tomorrow. As for the appearance, part of that is the shaved fur. The fur will grow back and, trust me, she will put on weight again.You did the right thing in having her spayed. You don't want to hear her yowling at all hours every two to three weeks.

    • She will be okay. It takes a lot out of an animal when they go through something like that. Of course she will look a bit thinner....they removed some internal parts dear. Its always best for an animal to get fixed, so please dont regret doing it. My kitten was neutered yesterday, since he is a male he recovered quite quickly--he couldnt wait to eat. For females its different, she will come around, as long as she is drinking water and isnt pulling at her stitches she will be fine. Dont worry.

    • She'll probably be fine. If she doesn't want to eat, let her. At least she is drinking water, soshe is not dehydrated. Give her some boiled chicken breast, they like that and it is light for their stomach. If she doesn't eat for more than a day, consult your vet.And please don't wash her, unless the vet has said to clean her wound with betadine or something. This is the last thing she'd like right now. she will recober, don't worry.

    • First of all, do not wash her, she could get an infection. She will eat when she is ready, the weight will come back. My cats gained alot of weight after being spayed.

    • Exactly! Would you want to eat?Its not tonsils you removed you know. She will never know the joy of feeding her own children.The pleasure of spoiling her granchildren.Never see them frolic on the lawn or chase a pingpong ball across the kitchen floor.Running up the curtains will be a fond memory to her. Never brought alive at the sight of her own doing it.And you wonder why she doesnt want to eat?She will grow to 95 pounds and eat more then your entire make the most of it while you can.

    • Have the vet check her out. My cats are all spayed and I never had any problem with them. It's a good thing to spay your cats and dogs. Then you don't end up with unwanted kittens and puppies.

    • If you had a hysterectomy yesterday would you feel like eating today? I don't think so! That's what happened with your cat. It's major surgery ... give her a little time ... she'll come around. While she's not feeling well now, she certainly won't starve herself to death. It may take a couple of days, but she'll be okay!

    • The vet should have told you when you picked her up that she should have a small amount of water and just alittle food when you first bring her home. The medicine she received has her feeling groggy and it will last a couple days. As for not having her spayed, it was best for her and you. If you have ever been around a female cat when she comes into heat you will know that you or the neighbors will not sleep for 2 weeks. The male cats for a mile around will bombard your home and the noise is enough to wake the dead. It was best for you and your cat. She will be a happy kitty in just a few days. And the world does not need any more unwanted kittens.

    • Her tummy hurts and she's probably still groggy from the anesthesia and should start to perk up later today or tomorrow. But right now her instincts are telling her how to take care of herself.You can try to offer her some canned food, but the best bet is just to keep her regular food and water available. If she isn't better by tomorrow, or if she gets worse, give your vet a call.She probably just looks skinnier because they shaved off her fur. You made the right and responsible decision to have her spayed!

    • That's normal, she should start eating within the first 48 hours, if not call your vet. I got 2 cats neutered and they didn't have an appetite for a little while. It's a good sign that she's drinking water, if she wasn't drinking it'd be a bigger threat.