my cat always pukes when i feed her cat treats,could anyone think of why?

concerned cat owner /:3

    my cat always pukes when i feed her cat treats,could anyone think of why?

    concerned cat owner /:3...
    Other Pet Discussions : my cat always pukes when i feed her cat treats,could anyone think of why?...

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    • my cat always pukes when i feed her cat treats,could anyone think of why?

      my cat always pukes when i feed her cat treats,could anyone think of why? Other Pet Discussions
      concerned cat owner /:3

      my cat always pukes when i feed her cat treats,could anyone think of why?

      my cat always pukes when i feed her cat treats,could anyone think of why? Other Pet Discussions
    • A lot of cats are actually allergic to cat treats, my cat did the same thing. Your cat is either allergic or is having stomach problems. Try different treats. If your cat reacts to all of them the same, ask your vet if they can figure out if your cats is allergic to all cat treats or if he can find the ingredient that your cat is possibly allergic to, you can avoid it in the future.

    • 1. Allergic to ingredients. May want to have a vet examine the poor thing.2. She could have salmonella in a very rare and serious case.3. Again, in a very serious case, mouth rot or stomach ulcers.4. Hopefully, (and I wish you the best of luck) she doesn't like it.5. In all cases, please see a vet!!!!!!!!!Loves and kissies, Collie :)

    • Cat treats are like chocolate truffles to us. Too much sweetness or heavy with flavor can overload the stomach and the cat throws up. There are better treats that are not as "heavy"... Go to a health or Holistic pet store (specialty pet stores).

    • I know you didn't mention diarrhea in your question and I know that you are asking why this is happening but I thought this information would be helpful for you because vomiting in cats can be an emergency. If any of the following is true, please call your veterinarian as soon as possible. If your veterinarian is not available at this time, call the emergency veterinarian. This phone number should be available on your regular veterinarian's answering machine.Vomiting: * blood in vomit * vomiting accompanied by diarrhea * vomit looks and smells like stool * vomiting is projectile * vomiting is sporadic and there is no relationship to meals * multiple bouts of vomiting occur over a short period of time * ingestion of a poison (like antifreeze or fertilizer) is suspected * vomiting persists more than a day or two * stomach bloating occurs or your cat tries to vomit but can not * cat also appears listless * there is weight loss * cat is showing other signs of illness such as labored breathing or painDiarrhea: * bloody diarrhea * diarrhea accompanied by vomiting * multiple bouts of vomiting occur over a short period of time * ingestion of a poison is suspected * fever and other signs of toxicity are present * diarrhea persists more than a day or two * cat also appears listless * there is weight loss * cat is showing other signs of illness such as labored breathing or painIf your cat is showing no other symptoms or signs, you may be able to save yourself a visit to the vet by waiting 12 hours and doing the following:1. Take away all food and water. You may allow a very small amount of water to prevent her from becoming dehydrated. Take away her food and water for a while so that her digestive tract may calm down. I think a veterinarian once told me that you should remove food and water for at least 4 hours. I am not sure how long they can go without food and water but I wouldn't keep it away from her for more than 8 hours myself.2. Observe your cat closely for any strange symptoms, signs, or behavior.

    • Certainly any of the above answers could be the case, however...does you cat "wolf" them down? Our cats would throw up their food after eating if the pieces of kibble were small. We changed so that the food was the same with the exception that the kible was larger. This stopped the problem because now they were forced to actually chew the food, rather than swallow it whole (as they would sometimes do if we filled their food dish after it had been empty, and they were rather hungry). Just a thought...