New both my dog and cat are throwing up?

my dog tito never used to throw up..the cat threw up yesterday and last night...and it was yellowish liquid. My dog threw up and it was the same, except for this morning he threw up alot of food. why are they throwing up so much? They arent acting sick…

    New both my dog and cat are throwing up?

    my dog tito never used to throw up..the cat threw up yesterday and last night...and it was yellowish liquid. My dog threw up and it was the same, except for this morning he threw up alot of food. why are they throwing up so much? They arent acting sick…...
    Other Pet Discussions : New both my dog and cat are throwing up?...

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    • New both my dog and cat are throwing up?

      New both my dog and cat are throwing up? Other Pet Discussions
      my dog tito never used to throw up..the cat threw up yesterday and last night...and it was yellowish liquid. My dog threw up and it was the same, except for this morning he threw up alot of food. why are they throwing up so much? They arent acting sick or anything....

      New both my dog and cat are throwing up?

      New both my dog and cat are throwing up? Other Pet Discussions
    • Since they are both throwing up but still act healthy then it's probably a bacteria or virus that should pass. If they get worse (show other symptoms) take them to the vet. And make sure they don't eat the the throw up after they throw it up, cause it's not supposed to be in their stomach for a reason.