How can you tell if your dog's lymphs are enlarged?

It looks like my dog is developing an infection, and I can feel his lymph glands by his neck, but I am not sure how to tell if they're enlarged or as they normally should be.Yes, I will be taking my dog to the vet (hopefully tomorrow), but was hoping to…

    How can you tell if your dog's lymphs are enlarged?

    It looks like my dog is developing an infection, and I can feel his lymph glands by his neck, but I am not sure how to tell if they're enlarged or as they normally should be.Yes, I will be taking my dog to the vet (hopefully tomorrow), but was hoping to…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can you tell if your dog's lymphs are enlarged?...

    • How can you tell if your dog's lymphs are enlarged?

      How can you tell if your dog's lymphs are enlarged? General Dog Discussions
      It looks like my dog is developing an infection, and I can feel his lymph glands by his neck, but I am not sure how to tell if they're enlarged or as they normally should be.Yes, I will be taking my dog to the vet (hopefully tomorrow), but was hoping to have some answers in the meantime.

      How can you tell if your dog's lymphs are enlarged?

      How can you tell if your dog's lymphs are enlarged? General Dog Discussions
    • Are they symmetric? If so, then it is less likely to be abnormal such as an infection. I have one little chi with huge lymph nodes under the jaws. I always worry about them, but the vets say they are fine, just pronounced. As long as they match on each side they don't worry at all.