My dog has the sniffles and runny nose, do you think it's serious?

My little guy started with a bad cough that has slowly dwindled down over the past week but his sniffles and runny nose has gotten worse. Do you think it will pass or should he been seen by the vet?

    My dog has the sniffles and runny nose, do you think it's serious?

    My little guy started with a bad cough that has slowly dwindled down over the past week but his sniffles and runny nose has gotten worse. Do you think it will pass or should he been seen by the vet?...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog has the sniffles and runny nose, do you think it's serious?...

    • My dog has the sniffles and runny nose, do you think it's serious?

      My dog has the sniffles and runny nose, do you think it's serious? General Dog Discussions
      My little guy started with a bad cough that has slowly dwindled down over the past week but his sniffles and runny nose has gotten worse. Do you think it will pass or should he been seen by the vet?

      My dog has the sniffles and runny nose, do you think it's serious?

      My dog has the sniffles and runny nose, do you think it's serious? General Dog Discussions
    • You could always call the vet and tell them your situation. Then they can tell you if it sounds serious or not. I don't know about yours but my vet is very nice and is not just in it for the money, therefore, she will answer this type of question honestly. After all, it is better to be safe then sorry. Good luck and I hope your dog feels better soon :)

    • This time of year with the weather changes can get these guy's sinuses a little worked up. As long as the dogs nose is cold and wet its a sign of a healthy pup! You may want to give him some vitamin puppy water to help boost him out of his sniffles. They sell it at walmart for 80c a bottle or less. If the dog shows signs of blood in the sinuses or stops eating and becomes "depressed" take him to the vet as this is a serious sign!

    • Well, the one time my dog had a bit of the sniffles and cough I had to carry him to the car to go to the vet's office because it knocked him flat out. This cold weather can really knock them right out if they get an infection in their lungs. Take care of it sooner rather than later.