Has anyone used PetAlive Sinu Rite for their dogs sinus issues?

Has anyone used PetAlive Sinu Rite for their dogs sinus issues?

    Has anyone used PetAlive Sinu Rite for their dogs sinus issues?

    Has anyone used PetAlive Sinu Rite for their dogs sinus issues?...
    General Dog Discussions : Has anyone used PetAlive Sinu Rite for their dogs sinus issues?...

    • Has anyone used PetAlive Sinu Rite for their dogs sinus issues?

      Has anyone used PetAlive Sinu Rite for their dogs sinus issues? General Dog Discussions
      Has anyone used PetAlive Sinu Rite for their dogs sinus issues?

      Has anyone used PetAlive Sinu Rite for their dogs sinus issues?

      Has anyone used PetAlive Sinu Rite for their dogs sinus issues? General Dog Discussions
    • Not personally but here are some testimonials from their web siteHow has Sinu-Rite helped others?“Lucy, our ‘middle child’ 3 year old cat, developed sinusitis… [so] I ordered the Sinu-Rite with overnight shipping. The 1st 3 days I gave her 4-5 each day, crushed and mixed in low sodium chicken grit. She loved it! By the 3rd day she was much better, playing again. One week later, she's on a maintenance dose of 2 each day. It has cleared her nasal passages and brought her back to her fun self. Best of all we were able to avoid the trauma of a ride in the car and a very costly trip to the vet. Thank you for making this so easy and effective.”—Gail D., USA“Used one and a half bottles of [Sinu-Rite] for our cat…. [This] worked...”—Ben M., CA, USA“My Rat Terrier started wheezing, his nose was stuffy and he was snorting and kept me up all night. I was so worried he was going to stop breathing so I could not sleep. I starting giving him [medication for children] and that worked very little and dried him up terribly. So I went online looking for Holistic Medication and came across PetAlive. Placed an order for a few items and one was the Sinu-Rite. Well by the second tablet, my Rat Terrier was energetic and could breath and stopped wheezing. This product is so awesome, I was flabbergasted at how fast and effective it worked. Thank You, Native Remedies.”—Rose M., FL, USA“I just wanted to thank you for this wonderful product. We have been battling our cats' sinus conditions for over 3 years. No vet could find a solution and several hundred $ later I felt lost. Even more concerning and upsetting was watching my cat constantly sneezing and often having bloody sinuses from the junk in his lungs. We often wondered if he would ever be the same again. Thanks to Sinu-Rite and Respo-K our cat is back to normal. I want to encourage your readers to buy the combination for their cat or dog. The improvement has been 200% and we are all much happier. Thanks for providing such great products!”— April, CO, USA“I have two rescue Persians with extremely short nasal passages. One, in particular, has always had severe eye and nasal discharge, wheezing, stuffed up nose, etc. She has been to the vet numerous times and treated …I started her on Sinu-Rite about a week ago and am amazed at her improvement. For a few days she was completely clear, could breathe, etc. Then she caught a cold and is sneezing, etc. I am going to add Respo-K and the Immunity and Liver [Support] to see if that improves her immune system and respiration. Thank you for your wonderful products!”— Dawn, USA