I dont know any pet stores to buy a dog at ?

Me and my family just moved to Ga and we want to buy a dog soon , but dont know any pet stores in the Atlanta area? Please help!thanks to all of you that answered my question that was a big help!! : )

    I dont know any pet stores to buy a dog at ?

    Me and my family just moved to Ga and we want to buy a dog soon , but dont know any pet stores in the Atlanta area? Please help!thanks to all of you that answered my question that was a big help!! : )...
    General Dog Discussions : I dont know any pet stores to buy a dog at ?...

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    • I dont know any pet stores to buy a dog at ?

      I dont know any pet stores to buy a dog at ? General Dog Discussions
      Me and my family just moved to Ga and we want to buy a dog soon , but dont know any pet stores in the Atlanta area? Please help!thanks to all of you that answered my question that was a big help!! : )

      I dont know any pet stores to buy a dog at ?

      I dont know any pet stores to buy a dog at ? General Dog Discussions
    • dont go to a pet store. they most-likely came from puppy mills. go to a shelter or a breeder, you will get a better dog. try a recue if you are looking for a specific breed.

    • DO yourself a favor and don't go to a pet store. Most pet stores are overpriced and do not care for the dogs (Unfortunately) like a private breeder would. I have a chihuahua. He would sell for $1500.00 at a pet store, the breeder sold him to me for $350 because she just wanted him to go to a good home. If its not a puppy you want you can also consider adopting a dog from a shelter or anti-cruelty society.

    • Pet stores are not a good place to buy dogs. Lots of inferior pups there. Why not look at the humane society or some rescue groups? They have all age of dogs there that need a good home and many many nice dogs. Try petfinder.com and enter your zip code and you will get a lot of options. Good luck.

    • Do not get your dog at a pet store if you want a loving healthy companion for a while. Most dogs in pet stores have health problems and are not treated with the care they need. I recomend a shelter or a breeder. That way you can make sure that they are going to be healthy and happy pets that will live a long time.

    • go to a breeder,not a pet store, they come from puppy mills..and could have alot of health problems(not all the dogs) but most of them..look in the local papers and or call vets office,they usually have names of good breeders on hand... good luck,and hope you find a puppy!!

    • Well dont go to the mall pet stores. Those are puppymills and the dogs always have problems. My friend got one from the and the next week it died. Puppymills are stores where they take dams and studs and breed them constantly. The dogs are in horrible conditions like kept in crates too small for them until they are forced to mate then put back in. They are in horrible health. Try looking in yellow pages and call places that you think you would want to buy at, but you have to ask if they are puppymills. I got my dog from a petstore but he was from a breeder in Nebraska who gave him to a petstore and same with the other animals, you should probably just go to a breeder. You can also look in the classifieds in the newspaper. I would also reccomend that you do some research before you get a dog.

    • Don't buy a dog from a pet store. They buy from puppy mills, and the dogs are unhealthy. Go to the humane society in your area, or check with a local vet for the names of some breeders.

    • I would prefer to go to a shelter , they are cheaper, you get them with thier shots and if they are puppies you get a certificate to get them spayed/neutered. Since you are new to the area you need to put in an effort to find a pet store, to find the local pet shelter all you have to do is call your telephone lines information and when they ask "what listing please" you simply say I don't know where but I would like the number for the animal shelter in Atlanta, Ga., I would almost bet there is a S.P.C.A. . You may even find a pure breed dog especially if you don't pounce and just keep going back, but mutt's are good dog's. Why don't you just go down and check them out I am sure you will be pleased and the best part is you won't have to find a vet to get them thier shots.

    • Find a good breeder by going to www.akc.org or talking to people at dog shows. You can also find info about the breed clubs on the akc site - they probably have a rescue group where you can get an older dog for less money.DON'T go to a pet shop or buy one off the Internet!!!! You'll pay top dollar for what is usually a poor quality puppy mill dog. And you'll be supporting one of the cruelest industries in the country. The breeding animals are kept in deplorable conditions. They probably haven't been vaccinated against contagious diseases or tested for any health or temperament problems or genetic diseases - that costs money and cuts into their profits. A female is often bred every time she comes into heat. When her poor little body can't take it any more, she is often clubbed in the head and tossed into a dumpster or an open ditch. Most puppy mills ship their pups to pet stores at wholesale prices and many pups die before they even get there. These "breeders" have figured out that they can use the Internet to ship a dog directly to the customer and thus make more money by cutting out the middleman. If you buy a dog from out of state, good luck getting your money back if there's something wrong with the pup. These people count on you becoming instantly attached to the poor little guy and being willing to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars at the vet to treat whatever is wrong with him.