Advice please! What do you do if your dog ate a pen and now has diarrhea?

My dog ate a pen this morning and ever since the afternoon he's not eatten and diarrhea's everywhere.

    Advice please! What do you do if your dog ate a pen and now has diarrhea?

    My dog ate a pen this morning and ever since the afternoon he's not eatten and diarrhea's everywhere....
    General Dog Discussions : Advice please! What do you do if your dog ate a pen and now has diarrhea?...

    • Advice please! What do you do if your dog ate a pen and now has diarrhea?

      Advice please! What do you do if your dog ate a pen and now has diarrhea? General Dog Discussions
      My dog ate a pen this morning and ever since the afternoon he's not eatten and diarrhea's everywhere.

      Advice please! What do you do if your dog ate a pen and now has diarrhea?

      Advice please! What do you do if your dog ate a pen and now has diarrhea? General Dog Discussions
    • Get him to the vet ASAP. You don't know what kind of ink is in pens and it may be poisonous to dogs. At least call and see if the vet has any advice because this could turn into a really serious problem.

    • Obviously... What would you do if your child swallowed a pen, stopped eating and now had diarrhea everywhere?What do you expect people to say? Force feed it marshmallows for 2 days and it will be miraculously cured?

    • ok don't panic follow these steps 1:get off the com.2:find your dog3:get ready to go to the vet4:if u read all of this and u didn't get off the com and take ur dog 2 the vet od emergency vet or call the vet emergency phone ur are dumb and really don't care bout ur dog

    • I would have already taken the dog to a vet/Emergency animal hospital. In addition to the possibility of the ink being poisonous, there is also the possibility of intestinal blockage or tearing caused by the pen remnants. VET, ASAP!

    • I would usually give the old plain boiled rice trick to coat the lining of the stomach but it sounds like he needs the vets, and soon. Give him rice anyway before you go as it may offer some comfort to him and help him poop it out!Good luck and p.s happened to my puppy, she ate a chunk of wire and pood it out but got very dehydrated so needed the vets anyway.