How do you store leftover flea medicine?

I bought a big package for large dogs to split between my dog & 2 cats & I have about half of the tube leftover. Does anyone know if I have to store it a certain way or can I just put it in a little container in the cabinet? Please only answer if you've…

    How do you store leftover flea medicine?

    I bought a big package for large dogs to split between my dog & 2 cats & I have about half of the tube leftover. Does anyone know if I have to store it a certain way or can I just put it in a little container in the cabinet? Please only answer if you've…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do you store leftover flea medicine?...

    • How do you store leftover flea medicine?

      How do you store leftover flea medicine? General Dog Discussions
      I bought a big package for large dogs to split between my dog & 2 cats & I have about half of the tube leftover. Does anyone know if I have to store it a certain way or can I just put it in a little container in the cabinet? Please only answer if you've had experience & know what you're talking about. It's Frontline Plus by the way in case that matters.Thanks!You use syringes to separate. 0.5ml for cats & dogs depend on weight

      How do you store leftover flea medicine?

      How do you store leftover flea medicine? General Dog Discussions
    • Frontline plus for dogs wont work effectivly on cats.Cat's fur is different then dogs fur and the formula for frontline for cats is different based on size as well.Same goes for the dog formula. The package should tell you what size dog it is used for and you shouldn't buy a larger breed version for a small dog and split it among your cats. The whole tube is intended to be used.The medicine isn't ment to be stored, just sealed. It might be alright for a week in a plastic baggie, but you need to go get your cats advantage or frontline for cats and use the rest of the tube on your dog.Your vet should have instructed you to buy seperate flea preventatives. I've been to LOTS of vets and none have ever told me to split a dosage ... or reduce the amount. When my dog was a puppy I advised my vet that I didn't want to buy a whole package of the puppy stuff and waist one or even two of the dosages because he'll have the vet tore one out and I only paid for a part of a box.