How do I treat my dog's sprained leg?

I took my dog to the vet yesterday because he couldn't get up from his bed. The vet took X-rays and said that he didn't have a fracture, but that he had badly sprained his (back) leg. He was given a cortisone shot, and then he was sent home. I was told…

    How do I treat my dog's sprained leg?

    I took my dog to the vet yesterday because he couldn't get up from his bed. The vet took X-rays and said that he didn't have a fracture, but that he had badly sprained his (back) leg. He was given a cortisone shot, and then he was sent home. I was told…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I treat my dog's sprained leg?...

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    • How do I treat my dog's sprained leg?

      How do I treat my dog's sprained leg? General Dog Discussions
      I took my dog to the vet yesterday because he couldn't get up from his bed. The vet took X-rays and said that he didn't have a fracture, but that he had badly sprained his (back) leg. He was given a cortisone shot, and then he was sent home. I was told that he would be better in 2 days. Well it's 2 days later and his leg is even worse. I am taking him back to the vet tomorrow to see if I can't get him a brace or wrap. Has anyone else been through this? What should I ask the vet tomorrow? There is no arthritis because they checked through the X-ray. I really want to help him. He doesn't necessarily seem to be in pain, but I can tell that he's scared and he's feeling down. Please help! Any advice will help!

      How do I treat my dog's sprained leg?

      How do I treat my dog's sprained leg? General Dog Discussions
    • just say that you think he looks in pain not badly but he still can not get up and I was just looking to know how can I make him feel better and all he looks so sad and I think his leg has got worse hope I helped your new bff ellie

    • Dont know if you've went yet or not, but ask what their thoughts are on an ACL tear, partial or complete. (or cruciate tear same thing basically) An xray wont necessarily pick this up but feeling for a "drawer" would. Some vets arent comfy diagnosing these things and may send you to a specialist for confirmation bc IF it is this it requires surgery to fix. This of course is the "worst case scenario" outcome, it could just be a sprain. If he isnt putting any weight on that back leg and isnt getting better then i would be suspicious of a torn cruciate. He should be kept off of it for ATLEAST 7-10 days meaning leash walk to use the bathroom, no running, jumping or playing just resting. They shouldve sent home an oral NSAID to help too, if they didnt then ask for one but beware this does tend to make them feel better and if it is a tear it will give them false comfort and could make it worse. STRICT REST i cant emphasize that anymore. If it isnt getting better after all this seek a second opinion.