How come my sisters dog is not eating her food?

My sisters dog is getting super skinny. Her spine is starting to stick out and its concerning everyone. She will sneak some of the cats food every now and then but its not helping. Im thinking the food is too big its pedigree for small dogs or she just…

    How come my sisters dog is not eating her food?

    My sisters dog is getting super skinny. Her spine is starting to stick out and its concerning everyone. She will sneak some of the cats food every now and then but its not helping. Im thinking the food is too big its pedigree for small dogs or she just…...
    General Dog Discussions : How come my sisters dog is not eating her food?...

    • How come my sisters dog is not eating her food?

      How come my sisters dog is not eating her food? General Dog Discussions
      My sisters dog is getting super skinny. Her spine is starting to stick out and its concerning everyone. She will sneak some of the cats food every now and then but its not helping. Im thinking the food is too big its pedigree for small dogs or she just doesnt like it:( Please help

      How come my sisters dog is not eating her food?

      How come my sisters dog is not eating her food? General Dog Discussions
    • Do you have any other animals around you? If that is the answer I know a dog who is really skinny she doesn't eat because the other dogs are being greedy. Whenever the dog tries to go near the food the other one will attack her by biting her ears. Also, some dogs might like puppy food or the can food that has meat in it. I do agree that pedigree is HUGE for small dogs. Try smaller foods. You can buy food that is for her breed. God bless

    • There are many reasons she may not be eating her food.If its a small dog than its best to get food which is smaller and easier to chew,or try the soft food.If she goes on not eating take her to a vet,because it could be that she is sick.Also,other dogs may be attacking her for food making her scared to eat,in which case you should feed her inside away from other animals until she is better.

    • When my dog wasnt eating i mixed a little olive oil in with her food. Chicken or beef broth worked as well. That made her quite interested in her food.