3 year old dog has dry, pressure sores on her elbows. What can I do?

I adopted a 3 year old Doberman and she has a pressure sore/callouses on each elbow. Obviously from laying on hard surfaces. What can I put on them to make them go away? I've heard Vaseline. Can I use moisturizing cream?

    3 year old dog has dry, pressure sores on her elbows. What can I do?

    I adopted a 3 year old Doberman and she has a pressure sore/callouses on each elbow. Obviously from laying on hard surfaces. What can I put on them to make them go away? I've heard Vaseline. Can I use moisturizing cream?...
    General Dog Discussions : 3 year old dog has dry, pressure sores on her elbows. What can I do?...

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    • 3 year old dog has dry, pressure sores on her elbows. What can I do?

      3 year old dog has dry, pressure sores on her elbows. What can I do? General Dog Discussions
      I adopted a 3 year old Doberman and she has a pressure sore/callouses on each elbow. Obviously from laying on hard surfaces. What can I put on them to make them go away? I've heard Vaseline. Can I use moisturizing cream?

      3 year old dog has dry, pressure sores on her elbows. What can I do?

      3 year old dog has dry, pressure sores on her elbows. What can I do? General Dog Discussions
    • Bag Balm is really good. It was originally designed for use on cows utters when they became dry and irritated, but it is now sold in pet stores and even at some stores like Wal Mart, and used for dry skin, etc. It will help them clear up, but the best thing you can do long term is provide softer services for the dog to lay on.

    • First get her a soft surface to lay on. Some people use a crib mattress or heaving duty dog pad for larger dogs. You can use Vaseline or Bag balm (found at farm stores or Walmart) to apply to her elbows. Watch closely for swelling of the tissue around the elbows, many large breed dogs get hygroma's that are very difficult to heal.

    • Some years I purchased a Dobermann puppy that had been kennelled outside with a concrete pen & had pressure calluses, & a poorly docked tail. The vet suggested applying Vaseline or Jonson's Baby Cream Moisturizer. The moisturizer was absorbed quickly & did soften the skin.http://www.amazon.com/Johnsons-Baby-Cream-Hour-Moisturizing/dp/B001F0YNUM