What does it look like when a dog has a dislocated leg?

Any obvious signs?idk I think my dog has this but we are going to the vet later 2morow!

    What does it look like when a dog has a dislocated leg?

    Any obvious signs?idk I think my dog has this but we are going to the vet later 2morow!...
    General Dog Discussions : What does it look like when a dog has a dislocated leg?...

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    • What does it look like when a dog has a dislocated leg?

      What does it look like when a dog has a dislocated leg? General Dog Discussions
      Any obvious signs?idk I think my dog has this but we are going to the vet later 2morow!

      What does it look like when a dog has a dislocated leg?

      What does it look like when a dog has a dislocated leg? General Dog Discussions
    • From Treating Canine Injuries at Home .. In the even that a joint is misaligned, this can indicate fracture or dislocation. Pet owners should not try to re-align the joint; instead, splint the foot and seek immediate veterinary attention, as severed arteries, muscular damage and compound fractures can occur if left unsplinted and untreated.From Fetch the Paper ...Fractures. A pet with a broken bone or dislocated joint will show sudden, acute lameness, and the limb position may appear abnormal. Swelling may or may not be present. The animal will show distress on movement and unwillingness to use the limb. Muzzle your pet and look for bleeding. If you can control bleeding without causing further injury, do so. Do not try to set the fracture. Keep your pet still and restrained to limit further damage.If it is a front leg you can use a cardboard tube and tape it in place to make a splint (must be a HEAVY cardboard) until you can get dog to the Vet, but as you have read above it should be ASAP to keep muscles/tendons from incurring permanent damage.