my dog had Loss of coordination and Drooling ?

We have no clue what happening this is 2nd time, we are taking him to vet but till our appointment, is it possible the neighbors are poisoning him she hate my dogs?after 2 min he is just fine.

    my dog had Loss of coordination and Drooling ?

    We have no clue what happening this is 2nd time, we are taking him to vet but till our appointment, is it possible the neighbors are poisoning him she hate my dogs?after 2 min he is just fine....
    General Dog Discussions : my dog had Loss of coordination and Drooling ?...

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    • my dog had Loss of coordination and Drooling ?

      my dog had Loss of coordination and Drooling ? General Dog Discussions
      We have no clue what happening this is 2nd time, we are taking him to vet but till our appointment, is it possible the neighbors are poisoning him she hate my dogs?after 2 min he is just fine.

      my dog had Loss of coordination and Drooling ?

      my dog had Loss of coordination and Drooling ? General Dog Discussions
    • It is absolutely possible that he is being poisined, either intentionally or unintentionally. That is definitely what it sounds like to me, it could be something he ingested or something he breathed in, etc. He may be allergic to his flea treatment if he is getting one, but it sounds more like a poisoning. I would keep him inside until his appointment, only walking him on a leash to use the bathroom and get some exercise instead of just letting him out. That way, you can monitor what he eats or drinks and this will help you to rule out some possibilities-especially if it happens again even with this close supervision. If it happens still, it may even be something in or around your home. He may also behaving a small seizure, in which case you need to determine the cause. If it happens again, try recording it for your vet. Just be sure he gets plenty of water to flush his system. Hope everything goes well, best wishes!

    • I'm sorry that your dog is having these problems. The lack of coordination and drooling could definitely be signs of poisoning. Or it could be signs of a liver or gastrointestinal problem.The best thing is to have a vet thoroughly check out your dog. If you suspect that a neighbor or something is poisoning your dog, tell this to your vet so that they can run blood work that would identify toxins in your dog's blood and system. Or if your dog has a problem with his liver or a condition called gastric dilatation, where the stomach is twisted, immediate treatment by a vet is needed. It's good that you have an appointment with your vet because the sooner your dog is diagnosed, the better his chances are of getting treated and the sooner he will feel better. If it's a poisoning, whether it's on purpose or accidental the vet can flush out the toxins and there will not be any permanent damage. Also, if you are concerned that your neighbor's poisoning your dog, it's important that you don't let your dog out alone in the yard, keep it away from the fence if there is one and if you notice anything odd or even if you notice food that you did not give your dog, get rid of it or you can even have it tested. In some cases anti-freeze is used which has a sweet taste, which I hope your neighbor would not be that cruel. Until you know just what is causing the symptoms with your dog, watch over him. I hope your dog gets better. Best of luck with your dog. Hope I helped.