How to train our boxer and pit bull brindle mix?

We really need to train her! She is 3 months old and the previous owner told her to sit on command and she is not as rammy as other puppies. She just bites our pant legs, furniture and when she plays with us. When she bites we just yell, "No!" But, she…

    How to train our boxer and pit bull brindle mix?

    We really need to train her! She is 3 months old and the previous owner told her to sit on command and she is not as rammy as other puppies. She just bites our pant legs, furniture and when she plays with us. When she bites we just yell, "No!" But, she…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to train our boxer and pit bull brindle mix?...

    • How to train our boxer and pit bull brindle mix?

      How to train our boxer and pit bull brindle mix? General Dog Discussions
      We really need to train her! She is 3 months old and the previous owner told her to sit on command and she is not as rammy as other puppies. She just bites our pant legs, furniture and when she plays with us. When she bites we just yell, "No!" But, she either keeps doing it or she just stops and looks at us sadly. We need to train her well before she gets too big... Does anyone k ow how to train them? We only had her for a day so, we are trying to work with her. We will keep her no matter what happens, but we just need a really trained dog that we are going to walk in public. She also is very friendly to other people so we don't need to worry about that.

      How to train our boxer and pit bull brindle mix?

      How to train our boxer and pit bull brindle mix? General Dog Discussions
    • Take this pup for puppy obedience classes!! You will learn how to train her.Pups bite, no doubt about it. It is normal behavior. When they are left with their mom and litter-mates long enoughthey learn about bite force, bite inhibition. In other words not to bite too hard. When they do not learn this from mom and siblings it is up to you to teach them. You have to teachthe pup to control those bites. It is imperative they learn when young so they are not biting too hard when they getolder..and stronger. Here are some tips to teach bite inhibition to a puppy.Pups play together and bite each other. When a pup bites another too hard the bitten pup yelps and stops playing. The bitten pup is saying "You hurt me, You are no fun, I won't play with you!" When you are teaching the pup you should use that same behavior. Do not allow a young pup to play with your hands or feet, no matter how cute it is, itleads to biting. When the pup bites you YELP! A good high pitched, you hurt me yelp and immediately stop playing. Tell the pup "No Bite" in a firm, not yelling voice while givingthe pup an 'I mean it' look then ignore the pup for several minutes. Remember, whatever behavior you allow now willbe harder to stop later. Do not allow a pup to do behaviors you will not want a full grown dog doing! Everyone that plays with the pup has to be on board with the training. After acouple of minutes of ignoring, take the pup a chew toy.Engage the pup in play with the toy. If the pup nips youagain, repeat the yelp, ignore step. If the pup continues to bite it is time to end the play session.After you have stopped playing for a few minutes, put the pup in his crate or where ever you put him for a nap. The pup may be over tired or over stimulated. After a nap youcan get a fresh start.Starting when you first bring the pup home do not play games that causes the pup to "mouth" you. I teach dogs they do not put their mouth on a human. A lick is okay but whenI train a dog he is not allowed to put her teeth on a human at all. If the pup continues to bite or starts getting aggressive contact a behaviorist. Pups growling is cute but it a behavior that shouldbe stopped. There are plenty of books on training dogs. If you are inexperienced in training, please, start reading. Puppy classesand later obedience classes are great. They are a good bonding experience and they help show the pup you are alpha. The trainer teaches you how to train your pup. Your pup needs to know you arethe boss. That is important enough to say twice. Your pup needs to know you are the boss. Needs to. (maybe read my article on showing a dog you are alpha) Also, if the bad behavior continues the pup could use a vet check. Feeling sick could cause the pup tobite. If a pup is tired, let him rest.Socializing your pup is important. A pup the is fearful or not well socialized is more prone to bite. A well socialized pup makes for an easier dog to be around. A pup that gets startledmay snap. It is absolutely imperative that while training your pup you also train your children! Children must learn pets are not toys. Tails and ears are not for pulling. Eyes are not for poking. The dogis not a horse to be ridden. The children should be taught to treatthe pup with care, just as you want to teach the pup to treat the child with care. Your children should be taught when the pup is tired, leave her alone. Let her rest. Teach your children to nevertouch a dog without the owners permission. If a dog is running loose,teach your children not to approach the dog. Teach your children dogsshould not be teased. So many dog bites have been the fault of a child not learning the proper behavior around dogs! Even the most easy going dog has limits and their only defense is their teeth! Many dogs have losttheir homes and/or their lives because parents failed to teach their children.Remember to reward good behavior. Verbal "Atta boy" or "Good girl", theygo a long way with pups. They really do want to do right. They just have to be taught what "right" is. They are not born knowing. If your pup has started to bite and stopped himself, praise the pup, give a treat. Let them him knowhe did well. Consistence and patience is the key to training anything to your pup. While there can be several right ways to train a dog there are also wrong ways. Screaming at a dog does not teach the dog anything except maybe you can't be trusted. Hitting a dog teaches them you definitely can not be trusted. Never hit a pup or dog. You will be teaching mistrust and violence. Now you can teach bite inhibition to a puppy