Does anyone know what causes a dog to shake like they are frightend or cold?

Recently we had our baby girl spayed. She about 6 years old. Ever since shes been a totally different dog. Very jumpy, doesnt want to listen and she does this weird shivering like shes cold or scared. Im not sure why shes doing it. Does anyone know what…

    Does anyone know what causes a dog to shake like they are frightend or cold?

    Recently we had our baby girl spayed. She about 6 years old. Ever since shes been a totally different dog. Very jumpy, doesnt want to listen and she does this weird shivering like shes cold or scared. Im not sure why shes doing it. Does anyone know what…...
    General Dog Discussions : Does anyone know what causes a dog to shake like they are frightend or cold?...

    • I might take her back to the vet. I know sometimes infections cause this, maybe she's tryin to tell you she wanted babies.haha.

    • it does hurt alot and they tend to be afraid of everything for a while it might not even know wat sex it is..... no worries as long as its eating and drinking.. sometimes they need comfort to so just sit there and hug it for a bit it should stop soon

    • call your vet, if not open, call an er vet clinic could be distemper, nerves, anything, please dont take a chance.and I have seen females after being spayed, they are a nervous wreck, call your vet...may need to be put on hormones to help settle her down....

    • Trembling and tremoring occur in small breed dogs with reasonable frequency. Despite this,there is not much information that I can find on the possible causes of this problem. There is atleast one case report of a shih tzu who was suspected to have small dog shaker syndrome. Thisis a tremor disorder that occurs mostly in small white dogs for reasons that are not clear at thistime. It is reported to respond to prednisone or other corticosteroid therapy in many instances.If the problem is responsive to corticosteroids it is usually necessary to use them for severalmonths and then to slowly wean the patient off of them and recurrences seem to be prettycommon.Pain can cause tremoring or trembling and is a consideration whenever a disc injury or spinalinjury is suspected. If this is the case pain relievers should at least help some.Neurologic, muscular and skeletal problems sometimes lead to trembling. We see this inconjunction with hip dysplasia (joint pain) and with degenerative myelopathy (decreased nervefunction). These particular disorders probably aren't likely in your dog but there are others thatare less common that can lead to trembling.If the medications used so far have not helped and the trembling continues it might be worthtrying a corticosteroid, if your vet feels that there won't be a detrimental effect on any otherproblems still present.

    • Has she been to the vet for similar visits? She may have been scared from that experience. My cat had surgery 2 weeks ago and was not the same for more then a week. My vet said that may have been scared from it. But the most important possibility is he be having seizures. Please call your vet and see what they say! Good Luck

    • Dogs usually shake when they are cold, scared, anxious, excited, and in pain! If her whole body shakes, she may be having seizures! If your dogs behavior has changed, then you really should have a vet check her out. There may be a medical underlying problem, that is causing her to act this way. A vet is the only one who will be able to determine what is causing this problem, {if there is one}, be able to treat it properly, and tell you what to do from there!