Would you take your dog to the vet if his ear was partially bit off?

We were on a walk and this random blueheeler ran up to my mom and dads dog and bit off part of his ear. My parents don't want to take him in. They said it wasn't very serious and would be too expensive.

    Would you take your dog to the vet if his ear was partially bit off?

    We were on a walk and this random blueheeler ran up to my mom and dads dog and bit off part of his ear. My parents don't want to take him in. They said it wasn't very serious and would be too expensive....
    General Dog Discussions : Would you take your dog to the vet if his ear was partially bit off?...

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    • Would you take your dog to the vet if his ear was partially bit off?

      Would you take your dog to the vet if his ear was partially bit off? General Dog Discussions
      We were on a walk and this random blueheeler ran up to my mom and dads dog and bit off part of his ear. My parents don't want to take him in. They said it wasn't very serious and would be too expensive.

      Would you take your dog to the vet if his ear was partially bit off?

      Would you take your dog to the vet if his ear was partially bit off? General Dog Discussions
    • When it is infected and about to kill him, it will be even more expensive. To not give an injured dog the treatment is needs is nothing short of neglect. At the very least he is going to need painkillers. Can you imagine how much pain YOU would be in if a dog bit off part of your ear? To deny him the treatment he obviously needs can be classed as animal cruelty.I'm fed up of parents who seem less responsible than their kids, it should be the other way round.

    • Yes besides it is very easy for an infection to set in unless properly cleaned but ears typically bleed a lot. Even if they have stopped the bleeding for now, once their dog starts shaking the ears or scratching they will start bleeding again. Common sense & they need to take dog that is their responsibility & not to go to vet cuz they don't want to spend the money is considered animal neglect/cruelty in majority of areas with fines & penalties.