Is it possible for pregnant female dogs to grow extra nipples?

I have a pit bull (Colby & Crenshaw breed) and recently she had her first litter at the age of 1 1/2. The strange thing is, within a few weeks of her pregnancy, she began to grow an extra nipple on one of the already swelling nipples on the middle of her…

    Is it possible for pregnant female dogs to grow extra nipples?

    I have a pit bull (Colby & Crenshaw breed) and recently she had her first litter at the age of 1 1/2. The strange thing is, within a few weeks of her pregnancy, she began to grow an extra nipple on one of the already swelling nipples on the middle of her…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is it possible for pregnant female dogs to grow extra nipples?...

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    • Is it possible for pregnant female dogs to grow extra nipples?

      Is it possible for pregnant female dogs to grow extra nipples? General Dog Discussions
      I have a pit bull (Colby & Crenshaw breed) and recently she had her first litter at the age of 1 1/2. The strange thing is, within a few weeks of her pregnancy, she began to grow an extra nipple on one of the already swelling nipples on the middle of her stomach. At first I thought it was a flea bite, but within 2 days, it got bigger and darker until it was the same size, shape, and color of her other nipples. She had 14 puppies, which all survived, and all 11 of her nipples are producing milk.I have researched this, and cannot find anything similar to my situation. I know that bitches' nipples aren't as pronounced until they get pregnant, but you can still see them, and they do not grow off of each other! Is this a miracle of life-- Dogs growing extra breasts to accommodate the size of their litter? I am worried that the city's water supply may have caused this deformation. I cannot think of why this would happen, but I am very worried. Is this natural, or heard of anywhere?I did NOT breed my dog- she broke her collar and got knocked up by an unrelated pit mixed mutt. She is, in fact, my 3-year-old niece's dog and having been raised around an infant she is very docile and gentle around children. She is not inbred, nor are the puppies. So, you trolling little fucks, how about being helpful for once.My dog, Zoey, has milk in all 10 of her original tits as well as in her newest one. All 11 of them are producing milk- it is not a pimple. Also, her pups are over a month old with no health problems, and we've found great homes with family and close friends for all but two. Rest assured Zoey is getting spayed.

      Is it possible for pregnant female dogs to grow extra nipples?

      Is it possible for pregnant female dogs to grow extra nipples? General Dog Discussions
    • Congratulations on the puppies! I have never heard of a dog growing an extra nipple. I think you need to get this checked out by the vet. Some dogs are born with extra nipples, but I've never heard of one growing an extra! Is it possible that she had it even before she gave birth? Although, I would be surprised if you had not seen it before now. My Akita, A.J., actually has 10 nipples. Maybe what you are seeing is a pimple.

    • Good job on making more poorly bred, backyard bred pups. Just what we need, as if there aren't already enough Pit Bulls dying today in shelters.Bitches don't grow extra nipples, that needs to be checked out by the vet. As soon as the puppies are weaned, get the b*tch spayed. You aren't supposed to breed them before they are 2 years old anyway.

    • Congrats on bringing more poorly bred dogs into this world, when Pit Bulls are one of the most common dogs euthanized in shelters each year. Why would you breed a dog that isn't even old enough to have had all health and genetic testing done? Some of the testing cannot be done until the age of two.You know, reading this again, you have to be a troll, or as stupid as a box of rocks.

    • As much as I love Pit Bulls, and I'm sure you do too, I'm going to tell you that breeding more of them was a terrible choice, especially if you're not taking her to the vet. Society discriminates against Pit Bulls, which makes finding them a good home very difficult, and they usually end up at a shelter at the slightest sign of aggression, even if the dog isn't aggressive in nature. So please get your dog fixed and don't breed anymore, for their sake. Also, your dog being so young shouldn't of hade puppies in the first place. But you should really take her to the vet, it doesn't sound normal if it is in the middle of her stomach.

    • Yeah, the miracle of life... That is likely your dog's belly button, and certainly is not producing milk. The only miracle here will be if these puppies are trained, spayed and neutered, and survive past their second birthday. Today there are 20,295 Pit Bulls on in need of a home, and those are the lucky ones. There are likely again as many awaiting euthanasia in the next week in municipal pounds across the country.

    • Congratulations on the puppies, good thing they all survived! But I have never heard of this my self, however my pit bull has 12 nipples, at first I thought they were just 2 bumps that just so happen to be across from each other, but they are getting a little bigger while she is in heat.