My dog is pregnant. She is gagging and dry heaving. Is this a sign that she is going into labor?

She is a boxer and she should be due anytime between now and the next week and a half (we are not sure which day she got pregnant on.) It is the middle of the night and she is laying by me coughing/dry heaving every minute or so. Should I be getting…

    My dog is pregnant. She is gagging and dry heaving. Is this a sign that she is going into labor?

    She is a boxer and she should be due anytime between now and the next week and a half (we are not sure which day she got pregnant on.) It is the middle of the night and she is laying by me coughing/dry heaving every minute or so. Should I be getting…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog is pregnant. She is gagging and dry heaving. Is this a sign that she is going into labor?...

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    • My dog is pregnant. She is gagging and dry heaving. Is this a sign that she is going into labor?

      My dog is pregnant. She is gagging and dry heaving. Is this a sign that she is going into labor? General Dog Discussions
      She is a boxer and she should be due anytime between now and the next week and a half (we are not sure which day she got pregnant on.) It is the middle of the night and she is laying by me coughing/dry heaving every minute or so. Should I be getting ready for puppies tonight?

      My dog is pregnant. She is gagging and dry heaving. Is this a sign that she is going into labor?

      My dog is pregnant. She is gagging and dry heaving. Is this a sign that she is going into labor? General Dog Discussions
    • No you should be getting to a vet, dry heaving isn't a good sign, it kind of implies that there isn't anything in her stomach. When a dog goes into labor she usually goes away from her humans and makes a nest somewhere, staying near you and coughing is not a normal behavior

    • yes! help her find a quiet spot in your house. set up an area with towels and blankets that are clean, but you will want to throw them away after she is done having her pups. let nature take its course but stay close by, JIC.of course if you are concerned call the vet :)

    • Not really. Usually the first sign of labor is when the dog begins to settled down in the "nesting box" or wherever you have designated for her to have puppies in. Typically in a dog, they will get up and circle around like they are trying to get comfortable and will continue to get up and go down. When she looks like she's just getting "ancy" and maybe even a little frustrated and just overall looks like she cannot get comfortable and is up and down, then she's very close. Just give her some extra water for now and maybe some fresh air and see how she does. Good luck with the puppies!

    • Gagging and dry heaving are not signs of labor, but they could be signs of other serious problems. Your best bet is to call a vet. If yours isn't 24-hours, find one that is--they should be able to tell you if she needs to be seen.