Looking for a good dog trainer in or around Sioux Falls SD?

Our dog Kaycee is just under a year old and CHEWS everything! Stuffed animals are ripped to shreds in Min's, we woke up choking on feathers after she attacked our down blanket in the middle of the night, and she LOVES to eat clothes, jeans, shoes shirts…

    Looking for a good dog trainer in or around Sioux Falls SD?

    Our dog Kaycee is just under a year old and CHEWS everything! Stuffed animals are ripped to shreds in Min's, we woke up choking on feathers after she attacked our down blanket in the middle of the night, and she LOVES to eat clothes, jeans, shoes shirts…...
    General Dog Discussions : Looking for a good dog trainer in or around Sioux Falls SD?...

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    • Looking for a good dog trainer in or around Sioux Falls SD?

      Looking for a good dog trainer in or around Sioux Falls SD? General Dog Discussions
      Our dog Kaycee is just under a year old and CHEWS everything! Stuffed animals are ripped to shreds in Min's, we woke up choking on feathers after she attacked our down blanket in the middle of the night, and she LOVES to eat clothes, jeans, shoes shirts anything! We need help or will have to get rid of her since it is to expensive to try and replace things she gets into..... We would love to know of a good way to train or change her behaviors.

      Looking for a good dog trainer in or around Sioux Falls SD?

      Looking for a good dog trainer in or around Sioux Falls SD? General Dog Discussions
    • Check out www.apdt.com for a listing of trainersor call up your local/regional kennel club and ask around.Ask your vet for recommendations and check out the local pet shop for business cards. Watch a class ot two and ask them what their philosophy is. Avoid ones that don't fit with the way you want to handle your dog.Off the bat, I'd say you have a teething dog with boredom issues. More mental and physical exercise and access to appropriate toys is in order (check out my blog for ideas). Also limiting access to parts of your house until you have it under control. Management is key. Keep everything you don't want her to have access to out of reach. Use baby gates, closed doors etc. With these changes, it will pass.You also didn't metnion if this was done when you are at home or away. If away, consider it might be separation anxiety. In this case, you need to train your dog to be alone in small increments. http://www.usask.ca/wcvm/herdmed/applied-ethology/behaviourproblems/anxiety.html