How can you tell if your dog has respiratory problems?

Last night my dog sneezed for 15 minutes, a sneeze about every ten seconds. Then I was thinking about how she does this snorting thing where she snorts for about 15 seconds (kind of what a Pug would do) and she has done it ever since she was a puppy and…

    How can you tell if your dog has respiratory problems?

    Last night my dog sneezed for 15 minutes, a sneeze about every ten seconds. Then I was thinking about how she does this snorting thing where she snorts for about 15 seconds (kind of what a Pug would do) and she has done it ever since she was a puppy and…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can you tell if your dog has respiratory problems?...

    • How can you tell if your dog has respiratory problems?

      How can you tell if your dog has respiratory problems? General Dog Discussions
      Last night my dog sneezed for 15 minutes, a sneeze about every ten seconds. Then I was thinking about how she does this snorting thing where she snorts for about 15 seconds (kind of what a Pug would do) and she has done it ever since she was a puppy and sometimes she does it when she is sleeping. She also sometimes just coughs. She is a Keeshond mix and when we got her she was 7 months old and she had Kennel Cough. Could she have respiratory problems, or are these things from her having kennel cough?

      How can you tell if your dog has respiratory problems?

      How can you tell if your dog has respiratory problems? General Dog Discussions
    • You should take her to a vet if you're not sure. Your dog may have an infection, like bronchial infections.Dogs also do two types of sneezing: Regular and reverse. This snorting sound may be the result of reverse sneezing.That being said, I've had a total of 6 Keeshonds and have been involved with Keeshond rescue. Our current pack is 3 Keeshonds and one Doberman.When we first got our fur-butts, I was startled at how much they pant and snore. Between myself, my wife, and the three Keeseys, my bedroom sounds like a lumberyard.Kees can make some of the most disgusting nasal sounds possible, and it's completely normal for them.Still, check the dog with a vet. If the sneezing is the result of an infection, you'll want to get on top of it as soon as possible.By the way, this was one of our Keeseys: