How much water does a 22 lb dog need a day?

I need my dog to stop going in the house. What does a dog need to be OK and not go all day long?

    How much water does a 22 lb dog need a day?

    I need my dog to stop going in the house. What does a dog need to be OK and not go all day long?...
    General Dog Discussions : How much water does a 22 lb dog need a day?...

    • How much water does a 22 lb dog need a day?

      How much water does a 22 lb dog need a day? General Dog Discussions
      I need my dog to stop going in the house. What does a dog need to be OK and not go all day long?

      How much water does a 22 lb dog need a day?

      How much water does a 22 lb dog need a day? General Dog Discussions
    • dogs need access to water at ALL times.You need to be more diligent about potty training and getting your dog outside.. also have your dog examined by the vet, constant urination may be a sign of a UTI or even diabetes.