Why is my dog lethargic, paralyzed from hips down, and excessively salivating?

He's been to the vet and to a neurologist and they first diagnosed it as possible 'coon paralysis'. However, now our cat has almost the same symptoms except she is not paralyzed and she has dilated pupils. Maybe it was from a plant in our backyard? …

    Why is my dog lethargic, paralyzed from hips down, and excessively salivating?

    He's been to the vet and to a neurologist and they first diagnosed it as possible 'coon paralysis'. However, now our cat has almost the same symptoms except she is not paralyzed and she has dilated pupils. Maybe it was from a plant in our backyard? …...
    General Dog Discussions : Why is my dog lethargic, paralyzed from hips down, and excessively salivating?...

    • Why is my dog lethargic, paralyzed from hips down, and excessively salivating?

      Why is my dog lethargic, paralyzed from hips down, and excessively salivating? General Dog Discussions
      He's been to the vet and to a neurologist and they first diagnosed it as possible 'coon paralysis'. However, now our cat has almost the same symptoms except she is not paralyzed and she has dilated pupils. Maybe it was from a plant in our backyard? Maybe their symptoms are not relative at all.

      Why is my dog lethargic, paralyzed from hips down, and excessively salivating?

      Why is my dog lethargic, paralyzed from hips down, and excessively salivating? General Dog Discussions
    • What flea medicine do you have them on? Hartz? Something else bad? That might be an issue. Our dog was lethargic, we gave him a bath, and he was good. If it's not the flea medicine, it's something else.. Did they get into grapes, raisins, or chocolate? Those are poisonous to animals.A plant allergy is possible.. Do you have bulbs, ferns, flowering plants, garden parennials, house plants, lillies, scrubs, succulents, (aloe) trees or vines? Sometimes those are poisonous to animals..

    • If we and our dogs and cats had glass bodies, doctors and vets would be able to diagnose our problems. Unfortunately, even with the most sophisticated equipment neither vets nor doctors can do this.I have read about people who have been murdered, or discovered dead from an unknown cause and their remains have been sent for analysis. Obviously their bodies can be dissected and fully examined, nevertheless it can take several weeks before the experts have a solution.You do not say how old that your dog is, have you considered a chiropractor?.I have consulted several, so called experts when my dogs were ill. When we are ill we can talk to our doctors, however they are often perplexed and fail to diagnose our problems. Our dogs cannot talk and we can only pass on our observations of our dogs symptoms. The plants in your backyard may give the vet a clue. Unfortunately in spite of training and practising for many years, it is always very difficult to diagnose a problem