How do I teach my Shih Tzu not to bite?

He's sweet and huggable... That's until someone goes near his toys. He bites.Also, when I'm going to take him to the vet, it takes about 30 minutes to get him in the pet carrier.There are some dogs that let the owners carry them and brush them and…

    How do I teach my Shih Tzu not to bite?

    He's sweet and huggable... That's until someone goes near his toys. He bites.Also, when I'm going to take him to the vet, it takes about 30 minutes to get him in the pet carrier.There are some dogs that let the owners carry them and brush them and…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I teach my Shih Tzu not to bite?...

    • How do I teach my Shih Tzu not to bite?

      How do I teach my Shih Tzu not to bite? General Dog Discussions
      He's sweet and huggable... That's until someone goes near his toys. He bites.Also, when I'm going to take him to the vet, it takes about 30 minutes to get him in the pet carrier.There are some dogs that let the owners carry them and brush them and everything. And they let the vet examine them. But my dog gets angry if he thinks I'm being just a little bit rough like when I'm brushing him.My dog is like... 5 years old, I think. What can I do? Or is it too late to teach him anything?Thanks!!!~ Christie

      How do I teach my Shih Tzu not to bite?

      How do I teach my Shih Tzu not to bite? General Dog Discussions
    • Pick him up by the scruff of the neck, give him a good shaking, then let him dangle for awhile. After a couple times of this, he should stop. If not, have him euthanized, because it's just a matter of time before he bites someone, they report you, you can be sued, and depending on where you live, this dog can be confiscated by animal control, be quarantined, and possibly euthanized.

    • first the pet carrier. put a tone of treats in it. whatever his favorite thing is, even try his toys. once he is in praise him and close the door, wait five min. let him out. do not praise him . that will teach him that its good to come out, not go in. as for the toys. if he bites, grouls, snarels or show any aggressive or territorial behavior scold him. firlmy say "no". take the toy away with no hesitation. act and feel like you have no fear. then ignor him for five min.

    • My Yorkie used to do the same thing. What i did was went to pet smart and bought top paw bitter no chew spray, its meant for furniture but its skin friendly but make sure to not put it around your eyes or nose and to wash your hands later. i put some on my hand and every time she nipped she would get the bad taste in her mouth, eventually she got the message that it wasn't a good idea to bite people. and if that dos not work its never too bad to give a little scolding and repeatably say no in a angry voice. Hope this helps!