Can 10 year old female American Eskimo Dog go into season?

My father was given this dog a few weeks ago by an older woman who claims she bought her 10 years ago. She gave the dog to my father because she felt she could no longer take care of the dog and he wanted/would care for the dog. He immediately took her…

    Can 10 year old female American Eskimo Dog go into season?

    My father was given this dog a few weeks ago by an older woman who claims she bought her 10 years ago. She gave the dog to my father because she felt she could no longer take care of the dog and he wanted/would care for the dog. He immediately took her…...
    General Dog Discussions : Can 10 year old female American Eskimo Dog go into season?...

    • Can 10 year old female American Eskimo Dog go into season?

      Can 10 year old female American Eskimo Dog go into season? General Dog Discussions
      My father was given this dog a few weeks ago by an older woman who claims she bought her 10 years ago. She gave the dog to my father because she felt she could no longer take care of the dog and he wanted/would care for the dog. He immediately took her to the vet and had her examined, got her shots, etc. However, he just assumed the dog had been spayed and the vet was told that. For the past two days, she is bleeding (slightly). He is at my home visiting and lives in another State. That is where he has had her veterinary care, grooming, etc. I know nothing about this issue because I've always had my animals altered. The dog appears to be in incredible health and is very active for a 10 year old dog. Her appetite is good and she's not having any problems urinating or having bowel movements. I would really appreciate any help in determining the problem--whether she's in season or it could be a urinary tract problem. Thank you.

      Can 10 year old female American Eskimo Dog go into season?

      Can 10 year old female American Eskimo Dog go into season? General Dog Discussions
    • no way of knowing without asking previous owner, but it really sounds like she is in heat. if you can't contact previous owner, then sometimes you can see a spay scar by shaving a line in her belly. it should start at her "belly button" and go back from there. "belly button"is usually about 4 inches back from the end of her ribcage for a large dog. often times you can find it because of a difference in the direction that the hair grows. good luck - dogs go into heat at any age unless they are spayed - if they stop having heat cycles, it can be an indication of a pyometra - uterine infection that can kill