It what way or ways is an orange beneficial to ridding a dog of fleas ?

and what is it about the orange that makes this happen ?

    It what way or ways is an orange beneficial to ridding a dog of fleas ?

    and what is it about the orange that makes this happen ?...
    General Dog Discussions : It what way or ways is an orange beneficial to ridding a dog of fleas ?...

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    • It what way or ways is an orange beneficial to ridding a dog of fleas ?

      It what way or ways is an orange beneficial to ridding a dog of fleas ? General Dog Discussions
      and what is it about the orange that makes this happen ?

      It what way or ways is an orange beneficial to ridding a dog of fleas ?

      It what way or ways is an orange beneficial to ridding a dog of fleas ? General Dog Discussions
    • Orange does absolutely nothing.I do not like to apply poisons to my animals , so I spray/treat my yard so there are not ticks or fleas to get on my animals.You want to find a product that has the poison Pyrethrin in it. It is an instant kill I use Happy Jack Kennel Dip 11 your yard & not your dog.

    • Orange (or lemon, or vinigar, or home made recipes in general) do NOTHING to rid a dog of fleas.You get a pill from the vet, Capstar, that gets all the fleas off within the hour. Then you wash the dog to get rid of the dead fleas and apply Advantix or Frontline Plus when he is dry.Apply a good, name brand flea/tick preventative like Advantix (no harz or no name crap) every single month and there will be no fleas.Dips, collars, shampoos, sprays, etc. kill a few adult fleas, the eggs and larvae hatch and your dog is infested again -- you need a good monthly preventative applied to the back of the dog's neck every single month to get rid of and prevent all fleas.Meanwhile, wash dog bedding vacuum rugs and sofas, throw the bag out. Flea bomb your house if it is infested. It's a lot easier to prevent fleas than get rid of them.