Am I going to have a huge flea problem now?

I just adopted a dog yesterday. I let him stay in the house lastnight and today. But before I got here I noticed a flea on his ear and I know there's probably a few more. Sugar is not going to be an inside dog anyway. Im taking her outside tomorrow . But…

    Am I going to have a huge flea problem now?

    I just adopted a dog yesterday. I let him stay in the house lastnight and today. But before I got here I noticed a flea on his ear and I know there's probably a few more. Sugar is not going to be an inside dog anyway. Im taking her outside tomorrow . But…...
    General Dog Discussions : Am I going to have a huge flea problem now?...

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    • Am I going to have a huge flea problem now?

      Am I going to have a huge flea problem now? General Dog Discussions
      I just adopted a dog yesterday. I let him stay in the house lastnight and today. But before I got here I noticed a flea on his ear and I know there's probably a few more. Sugar is not going to be an inside dog anyway. Im taking her outside tomorrow . But is my house going be infested with fleas now?

      Am I going to have a huge flea problem now?

      Am I going to have a huge flea problem now? General Dog Discussions
    • Maybe not tomorrow, but if a few eggs dropped off of the dog, they'll hatch in a few weeks and those fleas will multiply. Just use a month long flea treatment on the dog- this will kill any flea that bites it. Vacuum regularly and tie up your vacuum bags before disposing. Clean surfaces- counter tops, shelves, window sills etc. with soapy water. This should get under control so fast that you'll question if you ever had a problem in the first place.

    • You need to take care of her flea problem, even if she stays outside!Fleas make a dog itch, become anemic, and give them sores.Additionally, they will come indoors on you. Get a once a month flea treatment from the vet or pet section. You can spray your carpets.Fleas do not live on a dog. They only feed and breed there. They hop off and also breed in the grass, your furniture, carpets, etc.

    • Treat her for the fleas, it will help her, and you. One dose of frontline will keep the fleas away and keep them from coming into your house if you pet your outside puppy. Fleas can be hard to get rid of, but you can do it!To make sure you don't get an infestation, vacuum all carpets and rugs. Do laundry! wash any bedding she may have gotten on or near while she was inside. Use spray or powders made for that specific purpose on upholstery. In a week, do it all again. This might seem like going overboard, but trust me, I have had fleas in my house, and it is way better to prevent it, than to try to get rid of them later on. Don't even do the flea collar thing, they're more dangerous than helpful. Good luck!

    • Yes, you will probably get fleas in your house. Fleas never go away on their own, and where there's one there a trillion. The best thing to do is treat your house and your dog right away and get rid of them before it gets out of control.

    • Get some Capstar- this will give an almost instant (within a few hours) kill for any adult fleas on the dog. Follow this up by a few treatments with something like Frontline Plus or Advantage. You may or may not need ongoing flea prevention after you've got the problem under control- just keep an eye on him/her (you've said both!) and treat if you need to. Your house probably isn't going to become 'infested' after a few hours if the dog only has a few fleas on her, but give your house a good vacuum and empty the bag straightaway.

    • Very probably, it's where fleas live. I'm more worried about your dog being infested really - get her some proper flea treatment from a vets, please, and pick up some housespray while you're there.Chalice