How can i check if my pup has fleas?

I already know what to do because i asked the question and got answers but im not sure she has fleas,my dad only think she does.How can i check if she has fleas at home? Cant bring her to the vet because i have to watch my lil sis and she is sick and…

    How can i check if my pup has fleas?

    I already know what to do because i asked the question and got answers but im not sure she has fleas,my dad only think she does.How can i check if she has fleas at home? Cant bring her to the vet because i have to watch my lil sis and she is sick and…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can i check if my pup has fleas?...

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    • How can i check if my pup has fleas?

      How can i check if my pup has fleas? General Dog Discussions
      I already know what to do because i asked the question and got answers but im not sure she has fleas,my dad only think she does.How can i check if she has fleas at home? Cant bring her to the vet because i have to watch my lil sis and she is sick and doesn't wanna go anywhere Ty so much and no negative commentsI don't have anything all i have is a towel can i rub it and see if flea blood come on it?

      How can i check if my pup has fleas?

      How can i check if my pup has fleas? General Dog Discussions
    • Get a flea comb. Its a fine tooth comb, you can find it in the pet section at most retail stores. It's pretty cheap. If your dog does have fleas, you should also treat for worms.TRy this (I copied this from an article): How do I check my dog for fleas?Although your dog may be infested with fleas, they are not always easy to find. One of the best methods for checking your dog for fleas is to look for flea dirt (actually flea feces) in your dog’s haircoat. To check for flea dirt, briskly comb or rub a section of the hair on your dog’s back while your dog is sitting or lying on a white piece of paper. If your dog has fleas, black flecks that look like dirt (as a result, we use the term “flea dirt”) will fall onto the paper. If you transfer these black flecks to a damp piece of paper, in a short time they will appear red or rust-colored (see Figure 1). The red color results because blood sucked from your dog is passed in the flea’s waste matter. If the dirt specks do not turn red, then they are probably “regular” dirt.