How do I help my mini beagle stop scratching?!?!?

She is 18 weeks & has very flaky skin. I bathe her with an oatmeal shampoo with conditioner & it's not helping. She is constantly itching & making me feel so bad bc I can't help her:( any suggestions why her akin is so flaky & itchy? What can I do to…

    How do I help my mini beagle stop scratching?!?!?

    She is 18 weeks & has very flaky skin. I bathe her with an oatmeal shampoo with conditioner & it's not helping. She is constantly itching & making me feel so bad bc I can't help her:( any suggestions why her akin is so flaky & itchy? What can I do to…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I help my mini beagle stop scratching?!?!?...

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    • How do I help my mini beagle stop scratching?!?!?

      How do I help my mini beagle stop scratching?!?!? General Dog Discussions
      She is 18 weeks & has very flaky skin. I bathe her with an oatmeal shampoo with conditioner & it's not helping. She is constantly itching & making me feel so bad bc I can't help her:( any suggestions why her akin is so flaky & itchy? What can I do to help it??

      How do I help my mini beagle stop scratching?!?!?

      How do I help my mini beagle stop scratching?!?!? General Dog Discussions
    • Does she have a skin problem?Itching and scratching are the first signs to look for.He could have environmental dermatitis, which is basically skin problem and hair loss. It could be through anything, even something as simple as grass. Some dogs just have sensitive skin.There are other forms of dermatitis such as nutritional, and parasitic.Nutritional is because of the diet and parasitic can be things like fleas and ticks.Your dog also could be allergic to something.Best bet is to go to the vet . Even if it may be nothing, better safe than sorry.

    • After checking with the vet to make sure it's not something serious like mange, then consider the following:Here is what we have been working on/are working on A. Pulled up the carpet and put down rubber flooring. For details, see Buh Bye Carpet! B. Removed as many dies, perfumers, chemicals, etc.. out of her environment as possible 1) This includes not using them on her, on myself, the yard, the house, etc.. 2) We don't let strangers cuddle her 2) Kept her away from cigarette smoke 3) Cleaned with only white vinegar and water 4) Washed clothes and bedding with perfume free, die free detergent. Used minimal detergent and rinsed twice. Used hot water B. Encased sofa, mattresses and pillows in zippered, hypo allergenic encasements C. To the greatest extent possible, provided her with only human food and supplements 1) Because of the possibility of stricter care and labeling standards in human-grade products Always consult with your vet before giving or changing foods or supplements D. Kept a log of her activities, her consumption, when she was most itchy, when she was least itchy,etc.. Then used that log to come to conclusions as to how to proceed E. Found a quality meat (hopefully not from feed lots) that seemed to agree with her and stuck with it (Food elimination diet). Slowly added in other things and see how she reacts. See more elimination diet below. Always consult with a vet before embarking on a food elimination diet F. Provided distilled drinking water and put bowls all over the house to encourage more drinking G. Dehumidifiers running 24/7 in several places in the house. For details see H. Homeopathy, vitamins, anti-inflammatory food and supplements based on reading : 1) Complete Natural Health for Dogs and Cats by Dr Pitcairn 2) Dr Karen Becker’s website 3) And several other websites and books Always consult with a vet before trying homeopathy, herbs, etc.. Other things to dry Dust every day Vacuum every day if you have carpet Mop every day if you don't have carpet Wash all bedding as often as possible - at least once a week Don't wear outside shoes inside the house Brush or comb pet daily Bathe pet often in perfume free, chemical free, dye free, sodium lauryl sulfate free shampoo Or rinse the dog off in distilled water; dry thoroughly Or wipe the pet with a damp cloth often then make sure the feet are dry Clean the pets feet whenever they come in from outside