my dog is looking for a spot to have her puppies?

Okay, my dog is really big but she isn't producing milk yet. But she is looking for a spot to have her puppies and i don't know how long she has until she gives birth. She is a German Shepherd and here lately she has been eating lot! Any ideals how long…

    my dog is looking for a spot to have her puppies?

    Okay, my dog is really big but she isn't producing milk yet. But she is looking for a spot to have her puppies and i don't know how long she has until she gives birth. She is a German Shepherd and here lately she has been eating lot! Any ideals how long…...
    General Dog Discussions : my dog is looking for a spot to have her puppies?...

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    • my dog is looking for a spot to have her puppies?

      my dog is looking for a spot to have her puppies? General Dog Discussions
      Okay, my dog is really big but she isn't producing milk yet. But she is looking for a spot to have her puppies and i don't know how long she has until she gives birth. She is a German Shepherd and here lately she has been eating lot! Any ideals how long she has?

      my dog is looking for a spot to have her puppies?

      my dog is looking for a spot to have her puppies? General Dog Discussions
    • You're the one who bred her, or allowed her to be bred, so you would be the one to know when she was in heat. Since gestation is approx. 9 weeks, you do the math. You should be taking her temp twice daily and watching for the drop. When it drops to below 99.0 F., labor usually begins within 24 hours. She's not going to have any milk until AFTER the puppies are born, and the first milk is called Colostrum. Why is she looking for a spot to have her puppies? You should have already prepared a proper whelping box for her with a pig rail installed. Also, is your Google broke? There's a ton of information on the internet about pregnancy, whelping, and raising a litter. In fact, why hasn't your Vet given you any information?Stop being a BACK YARD BREEDER and have her spayed!

    • Usually a few hrs to 2 days before giving birth they start looking for a spot to make a nest. A large dog crate/cage would be best and some old blankets and old towels on top for her to give birth on in a warm and private area of your home(your bedroom,a spare bedroom, your bedroom closet,laundry room,etc, some place where ppl don't go into very often). Take her to the cage or spot where she will give birth and stay with her a few minutes petting and talking to her to keep her calm so she knows that is where she should have her pups. After she has them all and has cleaned them and eaten the afterbirth(she needs to eat it for the protein and nutrients it gives her), remove the soiled towels and put clean ones down over the blankets and wash the soiled towels right away because you will need to change them again in a few days. While she is giving birth, you need to check on her every few minutes and praise her for being your good girl and and you love her. This will help keep her calm and ensure her everything is OK. Make sure her food and water is right outside the bed and full all the time so she doesn't have to leave the pups. Make sure all the pups get to nurse, usually the smallest pup will be shunned by her so you need to make sure it gets to nurse every few hours till it's strong enough to fight for a her teat and get it's share(you'll have to do this for a few weeks till it gets strong enough). Take her and her pups to the vet in a couple days to have them checked out.IGNORE all the ASININE and RUDE a**holes comments from the DISGUSTING ppl on here. The reason for asking question on the internet is to get thoughtful and helpful answers. If these ppl can't give answers in a CIVILIZED manner then they need to keep their damn mouths SHUT PERIOD! People don't ask questions to be critisized, NOR do they deserve it

    • Brian......... practice what you write........People like Julie D & I know these are either TROLL questions to tick us real breeders off or as she stated....... BYB's that have 0% business in allowing a dog to get prego in the 1st place! BYB's only ask these questions on here as a real vet would spay their pet pronto, mine does!