How safe is Nicotiana Alata if I have dogs?

I'm starting my second season of gardening (vegetable) and this time I am building a greenhouse in my backyard. As an accent to the greenhouse and for the sweet smell (and anti-insect potency) I am considering planting Nicotiana Alata. I have learned…

    How safe is Nicotiana Alata if I have dogs?

    I'm starting my second season of gardening (vegetable) and this time I am building a greenhouse in my backyard. As an accent to the greenhouse and for the sweet smell (and anti-insect potency) I am considering planting Nicotiana Alata. I have learned…...
    General Dog Discussions : How safe is Nicotiana Alata if I have dogs?...

    • How safe is Nicotiana Alata if I have dogs?

      How safe is Nicotiana Alata if I have dogs? General Dog Discussions
      I'm starting my second season of gardening (vegetable) and this time I am building a greenhouse in my backyard. As an accent to the greenhouse and for the sweet smell (and anti-insect potency) I am considering planting Nicotiana Alata. I have learned that it is poisonous, but I am wondering if my dogs (who are curious) are extraordinarily likely to eat the plant or if I put it IN the greenhouse if they are likely to tear through to get to the plant. Does any one know if it's safe to even have it on my property with my two dogs?

      How safe is Nicotiana Alata if I have dogs?

      How safe is Nicotiana Alata if I have dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • My two favourite scents in the world are nicotiana and freesia. Nicotiana Alata (flowering tobacco) fills the evening with a Jasmine scent ... terrific!Actually Nicotiana Alata - toxic for dogs.Nicotianas are highly toxic plants due to their nicotine alkaloid content. The effects of nicotine alkaloid are a result of the summation of actions at ganglionic sites, motor end plates and smooth muscle. The central nervous system is affected, initially by stimulation, resulting in tremors and convulsions, progressing to depression. Death occurs from respiratory failure. Vomiting is a result of stimulation of the emetic chemoreceptor trigger zone.The cardiovascular responses are generally due to stimulation of sympathetic ganglia and adrenal medulla combined with discharge of catecholamines. The target organs are nervous system and heart.At low doses, symptoms are transient and consist of salivation,nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, bradycardia and dizziness.At higher doses, abdominal pain is marked with severe diarrhoea and a cold sweat. Mental confusion, giddiness, restlessness, muscular weakness and disturbed vision and hearing are followed by a loss of coordination, and unconsciousness. Respiration is stimulated, he pulse is rapid and irregular and breathing is laboured. Clonic convulsions are followed by collapse and complete muscle relaxation. Reflexes disappear and respiration becomes slow and weak, followed by respiratory arrest.Lethal doses of nicotine may be estimated in LD<SUB>50 dog: 1 mg/kgThe best defense is prevention.My advice - good reliable fence.If you think your pet has been poisoned, call your vet immediately, or call The Humane Society Poison Center at 1-800-548-2483 or know in advance the phone number and address of a 24-hour emergency vet in your area.Jason Homan