What is your biggest pet peeve about the dog owning world in general?

Mine? People that have to say AWWWW and make baby noises at every single animal they see.Sadly, I go to a vet tech school, and almost every student about dies when they meet a new dog. Really?

    What is your biggest pet peeve about the dog owning world in general?

    Mine? People that have to say AWWWW and make baby noises at every single animal they see.Sadly, I go to a vet tech school, and almost every student about dies when they meet a new dog. Really?...
    General Dog Discussions : What is your biggest pet peeve about the dog owning world in general?...

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    • What is your biggest pet peeve about the dog owning world in general?

      What is your biggest pet peeve about the dog owning world in general? General Dog Discussions
      Mine? People that have to say AWWWW and make baby noises at every single animal they see.Sadly, I go to a vet tech school, and almost every student about dies when they meet a new dog. Really?

      What is your biggest pet peeve about the dog owning world in general?

      What is your biggest pet peeve about the dog owning world in general? General Dog Discussions
    • Negligent owners that do not know how to care for a dog but just buy them because there cute and cuddly. People need to understand that they are hard dedicated work and need to be ready to commit 15 plus years to that dog and not a few months.

    • I am a dog owner and lover, but It pisses me off when owners let their dogs defacate wherever they want and don't clean up after them. My neighbors have two chihauhaus that run around loose all day and are always pooping on my sidewalk.

    • People thinking pet ownership is a temporary state and that they can ruin and animal and then just get rid of it! You should have to pass a class in order to own a pet and be educated on proper training techniques! To me your pet peeve is a stupid one, why are you even in VET TECH SCHOOL then? You should love animals to want to be their DR and it sure doesn't sound like you do!

    • People that think they are SAVING THE WORLD !!!!edit"The ones that get a dog only to leave outside all day and night...#1..why get a dog"That dog that stays outside all day and all night here at my house is an All Age Qualified titled Master Hunter, and spends at least as much time training as your dog spends sleeping on the bed!You can probably guess who's dog I feel sorry for because of it's lack of quality of life.http://i396.photobucket.com/albums/pp43/blunderpic/dogs/Picture050.jpgeditquote: "And finally, one must always remember the source of information. If your daughter is going to school for veterinary technology - who might have a vested interest in vets believing that dogs are omnivores? Perhaps those dog food companies who like to tell us about the "healthy grains" they put in their food? Science can be a tricky mess when all those pesky people who have something to gain get involved."Lioness, you claim to be a scientist and believe that !?!Mind if I call BS?The food companies pay vet schools to do their research, not to promote their products! And, why wouldn't they? The Aggy collages where the vet schools are located employ the most knowledgeable animal nutritionists on the planet! They didn't get their PhD's in animal nutrition because they like Science Diet dog food or some such thing!Since you want the facts, here they are! Compiled by scientests!http://books.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=10668

    • For me it's not the dog owning world .... it's the idiots who feel they can put their hands on my dog(s) without asking first (sometimes despite the DO NOT PET - Service Dog insignia on their vest).Although, if I had to limit it to those who own dogs - I'd say it's the people who feel a need to tell me that their or their neighbors Bernese or Samoyed was/is bigger and mine must not be of good quality. Um, excuse me? Champion... multi generations of champions...

    • I love meeting new dogs too, so I guess I am one of those people.I hate it when people get a dog, don't like it, get rid of it, and then get another dog that they don't train and therefore don't like it either and get rid of it just to get another puppy. I know someone like this and I want to scream at them for it. I can't though because that would jeopardize my job.What kills me is that her daughters who she gets these dogs for volunteer at the humane society. And they keep buying puppies. Ignorance at it's finest

    • 1. Owners who were too dumb or lazy to properly socialize their dogs or teach them obedience, especially those with large potentially aggressive breeds, and those with small breeds who don't understand the havoc their dogs can wreak with other dogs 2. Owners who are either too lazy or think too highly of themselves to bother picking up their dog's poo.

    • Irresponsible owners. This includes people who have pet they abuse or neglect and say "Well it's just an animal." Also people who have a pet such as a dog and just tie it up in the backyard with some food and forget about it. One of my favorites is not spaying or neutering your pet! Its simple and alot cheaper than raising a litter of critters (assuming your not heartless and just dump them on the side of the highway.) But in general people who do not take pet ownership seriously. They for get they CHOOSE to own a pet!