What is your biggest pet peeve about the dog owning world in general?

Mine? People that have to say AWWWW and make baby noises at every single animal they see.Sadly, I go to a vet tech school, and almost every student about dies when they meet a new dog. Really?

    What is your biggest pet peeve about the dog owning world in general?

    Mine? People that have to say AWWWW and make baby noises at every single animal they see.Sadly, I go to a vet tech school, and almost every student about dies when they meet a new dog. Really?...
    General Dog Discussions : What is your biggest pet peeve about the dog owning world in general?...

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    • The ones that get a dog only to leave outside all day and night...#1..why get a dog

    • Mine is when people say the AWWWW and immediately reach to pet your dog without asking or let their kids run up to your dog screaming. I have Border Collies and they love to go out with me, are very well mannered, and very obedient, but do not like strangers. If someone has a dog with them, please be considerate and ask before petting the dog. Not all breeds like the attention and it does not mean they need better social skills.

    • People who refuse to believe dogs are animals, and not children in furry suits, ATMs, or lawn ornaments.T J- how dare you!! that dog looks so obviously unhappy and abused! ;) just kidding with you.M to the R- Well, tell that to MY dogs! you see.... my corgis prefer to sleep in their "cruel cages" rather than on the floor. when it's bedtime they go right in them, because they like staying there. Oh and ALSO explain to them that their prong collars are indeed torture devices, and that no, they shouldn't get excited about wearing them. because they do that too!Maybe mine are defective.

    • 1. Owners who leave their dogs outside all day long in heat or cold weather and in rain or snowJust because they rather not have dogs track dirt in home...2. Owners who don't spend qualitytime with their dogs... 3. People who buy adopt or buy dogs for christmas or birthdays presents,After a few weeks or months they bring them back or let them go because they didn't realize itsa lot of time and money to care for it.P.S..Bite me!!....Because everytime I see a cute puppy or dog. I GO AWWWW TOO!!..lol...:-)

    • (-points at M to the R-)........ Enough said...OK, so most of my family is stuck on NYC for almost four generations, but I still have some folks on the country side. One of them is my wonderful Grandfather who taught me raw and real, country-style. I was influenced by him (thank god for THAT) when I say that.........People who treat dogs like, well, not necessarily people, but specially not dogs AT ALL either. People that think that dogs can't take a walk outside without wearing a coat, people that think the dogs can't eat MEAT, people that think that dogs have the right to share the same place in our family as our kids, SPECIALLY people that think beyond the dog's nature. Sometimes dogs DO want the food, silly, not YOU. :-)Plus those sissies, they think that dogs can ACTUALLY feel ashamed of their look. LMFAO: believe me, it happens.Other than that... I have this strange (or not?) thing that I HATE when people carry their dogs in their arms. It's just so......... WIERD. I mean, for some reason, god made them with LEGS. And of course... "When people put like, stupid hats, like, on DAWGS!!! OMG!!! SO ABUSIVE..."Sorry, with all the flurry around this, I simply couldn't resist. :DEDIT -@ TJ: Like, DUH, that dog is OBVIOUSLY, abused, unhappy........ Oh I kid. That dog is the loveliest thing I ever saw in my whole life.

    • Breed/owner mismatch.People who fail to research prior to committing to owning a breed, it was a good match between what the breed needed from a home & what they wanted from a dog.In my breed it's the primary reason why dogs are owner-surrendered & a real peeve because the owner could not see past what they wanted, failed to research & then threw their hands up in horror when the dog exhibited the typical temperament & dominant characteristics of the breed

    • See: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100309053453AAkasVM&r=w#LLF8DzbaDnS63Xg.OE41Being a very scientifically oriented person, it is excruciatingly difficult for me to understand where on earth people get some of these crazy ideas with positively no basis in fact.Actually, that's probably the pet peeve of my life...

    • 1. My neighbors - They get a dog, leave it outside all day and night, never play with it, take it for walks, socialize it, sometimes hell, they don`t even feed it. That annoys me. If you get a dog, at least put some effort and time into raising it. What`s the point of getting a dog if you are just going to leave it outside to fend for itself?2. People who get small breed dogs and don`t properly train them because they are so cute! It`s so cute when they nibble on your fingers, jump onto people, and bark incessantly right? Little dogs are still dogs, they need to be trained like large breed dogs. Just because they don`t weight 50+ lbs and probably wouldn`t hurt someone jumping at them, it isn`t an excuse.3. People who breed their dogs because they want their children to experience birth, or they think their dogs would make such cute puppies! Get real people. There are so many friggen unwanted animals in this world that we don`t need your stinking mutts to add to this pet overpopulation. Yeesh.4. People, especially ``gangster wannabees`` who get ``tough breeds`` or bully breeds to make themselves look tough. Puuuuullllleeeeeaaasseee. Sure these dogs were meant to fight, but let`s be honest, you clearly cannot handle this breed, nor have the expertise to raise and train them properly, a tough looking dog isn`t going to give you any street cred nor any respect in my books.

    • People who will not pick up after their dog. Our favorite off leash park is becoming unusable due to this issue and we're truly sad. I fear the day when the city will close it because of the irresponsible users.