Would it harm a dog to get a rabies vaccination before the next one is scheduled?

Like if someone doesn't know for sure when the dog's last vaccination was, although there's a good chance it may have been within the past year or so, such as with a rescue.

    Would it harm a dog to get a rabies vaccination before the next one is scheduled?

    Like if someone doesn't know for sure when the dog's last vaccination was, although there's a good chance it may have been within the past year or so, such as with a rescue....
    General Dog Discussions : Would it harm a dog to get a rabies vaccination before the next one is scheduled?...

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    • No, there is no harm in giving the vaccine early.Vets use the exact same serum for a 1 year and a 3 year rabies vaccine. Owners assume since the 3 year 'lasts' longer that there is more serum, that is not the case. The rabies vax hardly ever causes vaccine reactions - in my opinion- it is the safest (lepto and lyme are notorious for reactions), but I would be sure to schedule the vax appointment in the morning or early afternoon just so you can be assured your veterinarian will still be open if your dog does react.

    • No, not usually. It is becoming a belief that many of our dogs' health problems stem from too many vaccinations. We see many more cases of auto-immune problems than ever before and not all of it can be contributed to genetics.You can have titer tests done to determine if a dog is in need of a vaccination for one or more diseases but since the law requires the rabies vaccination, do it and then keep the dog on a schedule for boosters.I do all vaccinations once every three years. If, where you live requires a more frequent rabies inocculation, then you must do it more often but you don't have to do the other vaccines more often.

    • Well you are taking the risk of over vaccinating.. But in the case of rabies.. I think it's better to error on the side of caution and have them protected for sure ... It's a killer and a dangerous problem if it got out of control.