what does a vet tech usually do everyday?

Also do they have to perform surgery with the vetenarian or can you be excused?Also what are there daily tasks?Also I want info from an experienced vet technician!Please and thank you <img src="https://dogencyclopedia.net/FRAMeWORK/wcf/images/smilies/smile.png" alt=":)" /> looking forward in this field i love animalsAlso if your a vet…

    what does a vet tech usually do everyday?

    Also do they have to perform surgery with the vetenarian or can you be excused?Also what are there daily tasks?Also I want info from an experienced vet technician!Please and thank you <img src="https://dogencyclopedia.net/FRAMeWORK/wcf/images/smilies/smile.png" alt=":)" /> looking forward in this field i love animalsAlso if your a vet…...
    General Dog Discussions : what does a vet tech usually do everyday?...

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    • what does a vet tech usually do everyday?

      what does a vet tech usually do everyday? General Dog Discussions
      Also do they have to perform surgery with the vetenarian or can you be excused?Also what are there daily tasks?Also I want info from an experienced vet technician!Please and thank you :) looking forward in this field i love animalsAlso if your a vet technician do you have to suture and well when you collect feces or urine do you have to touch it or what do you do exactly and well im kinda nervous on like doing surgeries :/ also is this a stressful job?

      what does a vet tech usually do everyday?

      what does a vet tech usually do everyday? General Dog Discussions
    • I am not a vet tech but if I were you I would treat this as a school assignment and call veterinary offices and just pretend that you are working on an assignment for school and where wondering if you could ask them a few questions about being a vet tech.

    • hello i want to be a vet and have just finished 2 weeks work experience in a vets there where 5 vets and 7 nurses the vet nurses :sterilize the Equipment by cleaning it putting it in the ultravave and ultrasonic cleaner also re package it in sterile Equipment bagsthey sweep up and tidy they are allowed to admistert vaccinations and injections also the give the pre op injections so metacame and vetagesic also for example if a cat comes in with a cut they clean it they euthanize the animals they clean and feed the animals the work in the pharmacy and some times in reception they test all the blood and urine samples they go out on call to thinks like rta and jabs they do ultrasounds and xrays during opps they have to sit the other side of the opps table this is because they have to Monitor the Heart rate tensile strength of the jaw clour of the gums and amount of anesthetic also they pass the vet all they need shave the areyers that are being oprated on and fit catheters also replenish stock draws and General perp for the op like making cleaning pads they also insert the anesthetic tube and stethoscope thr goes into the osothgus also they move the dog back and forth from theter and ad-mister oxygenate to bring them round this is all i can remember hope it helps !!!best wishes alex

    • The daily workload can vary greatly depending on the type of practice you work in and the area of the country you are in. Most often the workload will be variable in any practice--some days will be like a wild rollercoaster ride while others are so boring and slow that you have a hard time staying awake. A very general list of things that a veterinary technician would do would include collecting patient histories, collect biological samples (blood, urine, feces, etc), running diagnostic tests, monitoring and medicating hospitalized animals, assisting in surgery, administering and monitoring anesthesia, performing dental cleanings, providing treatment for outpatients as prescribed by the attending veterinarian, filling prescriptions, answering client questions on preventative medicine, disease processes, medications, etc, maintaining inventory, caring for surgical and medical equipment such as anesthesia machines, taking radiographs, entering medical records, etc.Veterinary technicians do assist in surgery and monitor anesthesia during surgeries. Unless you work in a specialty practice where there are many technicians or surgeries are not commonly performed, you will likely be expected to be involved in surgeries. This is because a veterinarian needs an extra set of hands and eyes in a surgery suite to perform tasks that he can not while he is focused on performing the surgery and not breaking sterility.Yes, you may be required to suture wounds though generally these tasks are only relegated to vet techs who are comfortable doing them and who the vet feels comfortable allowing to do them. As for collecting urine and feces, no you don't have to touch them though it's not uncommon for a vet tech to end up with urine, feces or vomitus on them. It's just the nature of the job--sometimes messes occur and there isn't much you can do about it.Yes, it is often a stressful job. You are often dealing with injured or ill animals and their understandably upset owners. And you are also dealing with co-workers who have their own emotional ups and downs. It is important to have a way to relax and get away from the job on a regular basis to help prevent burnout.