Will dog antibiotics work for a cat?

I picked up a stray cat with what I believe is a milk infection. I'm taking her to the vet soon, but I can't afford much. My aunt's dog has leftover antibiotics and I was wondering if giving her a small piece of those would work?By no means am I…

    Will dog antibiotics work for a cat?

    I picked up a stray cat with what I believe is a milk infection. I'm taking her to the vet soon, but I can't afford much. My aunt's dog has leftover antibiotics and I was wondering if giving her a small piece of those would work?By no means am I…...
    General Dog Discussions : Will dog antibiotics work for a cat?...

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    • Will dog antibiotics work for a cat?

      Will dog antibiotics work for a cat? General Dog Discussions
      I picked up a stray cat with what I believe is a milk infection. I'm taking her to the vet soon, but I can't afford much. My aunt's dog has leftover antibiotics and I was wondering if giving her a small piece of those would work?By no means am I willing to risk her life over it, but if it can be done safely that would be awesome.

      Will dog antibiotics work for a cat?

      Will dog antibiotics work for a cat? General Dog Discussions
    • CALL YOUR VET.........explain about the dog antibiotics ( some can be used by both, but in different doses ), and see what he says. This would be the ONLY SAFE thing to do.........If you explain, and he still wants to see the cat, talk to him about your financial situation, and ask how he can help you out........discount, deferred payments, etc.Hope this helps......Good luck.

    • I would not recommend it, but not because there's anything about the antibiotic that's specific to dogs versus cats. You don't say what antibiotic it is, but most likely, it's something that vets also prescribe for cats (and doctors for humans, for that matter).However, there are two problems: One is that if the medication is very old, then it may have lost much of its effectiveness. The other is that you will have a very hard time getting the dosage right.I suggest that you "bite the bullet" and see a trustworthy vet who understands about tight budgets. You can take the leftover medication with you and ask if there is any way of using it for the cat, or if there is a generic antibiotic that will be a relatively cheap option.Good luck to you and your new kitty! I hope she is better soon.