A duck has taken up residence in our garden, does she need a special diet? Should I speak to the vet?

She is swimming in the garden pond and I have given her some bread to eat but don't think this is the best thing for her?

    A duck has taken up residence in our garden, does she need a special diet? Should I speak to the vet?

    She is swimming in the garden pond and I have given her some bread to eat but don't think this is the best thing for her?...
    General Dog Discussions : A duck has taken up residence in our garden, does she need a special diet? Should I speak to the vet?...

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    • A duck has taken up residence in our garden, does she need a special diet? Should I speak to the vet?

      A duck has taken up residence in our garden, does she need a special diet? Should I speak to the vet? General Dog Discussions
      She is swimming in the garden pond and I have given her some bread to eat but don't think this is the best thing for her?

      A duck has taken up residence in our garden, does she need a special diet? Should I speak to the vet?

      A duck has taken up residence in our garden, does she need a special diet? Should I speak to the vet? General Dog Discussions
    • she is wild and can find her own food...she just has it in her to know what to eat...but if u do wanna do more for her call the vet or look it up online...but iwouldnt worry to much

    • Hmmm, I would not worry about it much they are pretty independent BUT if you do want to feed him just do a little searching on the web under ducks and I am sure you can find out all the basics quite easily. I know their diet isn't that complex and of course they love bits of bread (but I dont think too much of it would be good for them)There is certain kinds of dry/pellet food you can buy for them as well.

    • alot of the people who answered before me are correct. They typically eat algae and other small plantlife along with various bugs. However, ducks have been known to eat small fish and even frogs. On the other hand, once when I was a kid I fed a duck a twizzler. hahaha. spoiled his appetite. the healthiest things for them are, in fact, duck pellets as these are made with the essential vitamins and other nutrients a duck's digestive system needs. they aren't too picky. try a bait shop and if you can get ahold of some earthworms or live minnoes they should be a nice treat. hope this helped.

    • you sit back an relax, enjoy her while she's there. dont disturb her too much an she might be back next year, if you wanna feed her get some proper food thats suitable for ducks, bread aint good for ducks ,

    • Never feed a duck bread!"...although Ducks seem to love bread, it is not nutritious. White bread in particular is made from refined flour and is not proper for avian nutrition. Many Ducks suffer from degenerative liver disease because they eat too much. Also, leftover bread and Duck droppings pollute the water. The uneaten bread turns into a deadly mold called Aspergillus, which is fatal to Ducks, fish and other animals. Rotting bread can also breed other deadly diseases and parasites, particularly a Duck virus Enteritis, which with a single outbreak will kill all the Ducks of that area. Duck droppings can also breed diseases such as Avian Botulism and a parasite that causes swimmers itch. Feeding Ducks bread is like feeding Dogs chocolate. They may seem to like it but in the end it does more harm than good."http://www.kingphilip.org/kphigh/metacomet/issue5/article2.htmlYou can offer the duck cracked corn, and duck food that you get at a farm store, along with greens and some fruits and veggies - make sure that you chop them up well so it does not choke.If this is a wild duck, you really should not be feeding it. If you are in the US, please do not try to tame it and keep it as a pet - in the US, all native migratory birds are protected under federal law (Migratory Bird Treaty Act), and it is illegal to keep any protected bird unless you have the required permits. Penalties for violating this law include fines of up to $500 and/or up to 6 months in jail for each offense. The only birds not protected by this law are feral pigeons, English House Sparrows and European Starlings.

    • Ducks are not to be fed bread, its bad for them. She should eat cracked corn. At alocal tractor supply or feed store. If there wild they may not eat it. But if htey ate the bread then they will. If you have a old doghouse put straw in it so she can mostlikely lay eggs and sleep in. Make her feel at home.