Answers to why my house trained dog has returned to old habits?

My french <a href="">bulldog</a> has been house trained for almost a year now. He has not relieved himself in the house in the longest time, and always lets me know when he needs to go out. These past couple days he has done his business indoors. Anyone have any ideas…

    Answers to why my house trained dog has returned to old habits?

    My french <a href="">bulldog</a> has been house trained for almost a year now. He has not relieved himself in the house in the longest time, and always lets me know when he needs to go out. These past couple days he has done his business indoors. Anyone have any ideas…...
    General Dog Discussions : Answers to why my house trained dog has returned to old habits?...

    • Answers to why my house trained dog has returned to old habits?

      Answers to why my house trained dog has returned to old habits? General Dog Discussions
      My french bulldog has been house trained for almost a year now. He has not relieved himself in the house in the longest time, and always lets me know when he needs to go out. These past couple days he has done his business indoors. Anyone have any ideas why the sudden change?

      Answers to why my house trained dog has returned to old habits?

      Answers to why my house trained dog has returned to old habits? General Dog Discussions
    • Anything different going on in YOUR schedule recently? Have you been away from the house longer? Gone on vacations? Had someone else watching him? The very SMALLEST things can trigger a dog to lash out in different ways. I have a GREAT example. My parents left for the day (just the day) yesterday, and although I paid them TONS of attention, played with them, let them out more than enough times, they must have relieved themselves in the house at least 4 times. In other cases, it could be more serious. Contact your veterinarian in all of this persists...

    • suddun change in housebreaking may indicate a health problem.. I suggest you first take the dog to the vet to rule out problems.Have there been any changes in the household? Moving? new schedule? new family member or pet? A family member moved out?Your dog may also just simply need a "refresher" course in housebreaking.

    • Dogs are creatures of habits. Check to see if you changed his habits. It is possible that he can't go outside to do his business. Keep a fixed schedule of his feedings and walk him outside. It is possible that he could also be sick, check your vet to be sure. Re-train him if all else fail.

    • If you are talking pee, it could be that he has a urinary infection - maybe even bladder stones. Does his pee come in a good flow, or in dribbles. Does it smell strongly, look dark? To rule this possibility out, get him checked out by your vet. There is absolutely no point trying to correct this if he has a medical problem going on.If it's pooh, are his poohs looser than normal? He could have a bug which is giving him diarrhoea - and again, he can't help himself. Otherwise, apart from some significant change in your household, somebody new arriving, you being away for longer/different times or any other stress outside his little life, I think you will have to go back to you dictating the when he needs to go out rather than waiting for him to tell you. Adult dogs don't normally need to pooh more than 4 times in a day and maybe less if only fed once a day.Start by seeing your vet.