How can I stop my dog from scratching an irritation from an old flea bite?

My 4 year old Yorkie had fleas a few weeks ago. We gave her advantage and also sprayed the house down...our house and Holly are completely flea free. Holly though, has a flea bite on the back of her ear that she scratched so much it turned into a sore…

    How can I stop my dog from scratching an irritation from an old flea bite?

    My 4 year old Yorkie had fleas a few weeks ago. We gave her advantage and also sprayed the house down...our house and Holly are completely flea free. Holly though, has a flea bite on the back of her ear that she scratched so much it turned into a sore…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I stop my dog from scratching an irritation from an old flea bite?...

    • How can I stop my dog from scratching an irritation from an old flea bite?

      How can I stop my dog from scratching an irritation from an old flea bite? General Dog Discussions
      My 4 year old Yorkie had fleas a few weeks ago. We gave her advantage and also sprayed the house down...our house and Holly are completely flea free. Holly though, has a flea bite on the back of her ear that she scratched so much it turned into a sore which scabs over and then Holly scratches the scab off again, making it bleed and re-scab. I have noticed that it is now the size of my baby finger nail and she just cant stop scratching it.We of course will take her to the vet but we live in a very rural place and our vet is closed for a few days so in the meantime is there anything out there that will stop the itch that is safe for dogs? An anti-histamine? Or anything topical that I could put on the sore? A way to make a homemade cone? Any ideas would be nice until we can get her to the vet on Thursday..Thanks!!

      How can I stop my dog from scratching an irritation from an old flea bite?

      How can I stop my dog from scratching an irritation from an old flea bite? General Dog Discussions
    • dogs can have allergic reactions to flea bites or flea "saliva". flea bite dermatitis can cause a secondary skin infection. topical you can put anitbiotic (neosporin) with hydrocortisone. you can also give a dose of benedryl. the dosage is 1 mg/lb. so you have to decipher how many mg the tabs or, or how many mg/ml if you have liquid, and give 1 mg/lb. these are safe ways to relieve itching and soothe the skin.

    • I'm going to second Blustar's suggestion. I think the liquid Benadryl is easier to give, just draw it up into a syringe or a dropper and put it in the back of her throat, she'll swallow it.Also, you can get a cone collar at a pet store to keep her from being able to reach her ear. It looks goofy, but it doesn't seem to bother them too much.

    • before we found out our dog was allergic to plastic (i know, as wierd as that is) he was constantly itching himself raw and scratching his hair out. it got really bad. we used spray deoderant to stop him from scratching so much. the deoderant dries out his mouth when it gets in there, and he seemed to hate it so he stopped scratching so much, he still did it every now and then, but when we noticed it, we just sprayed a little bit again. it didnt take long for him to stop once he was sprayed alittle, so it wasnt like he ingested it or anything. the vet said it was safe and a good idea, so i went with it.

    • The vet may suggest steroids which would be the worst thing you could give it.If the dog was mine, I would re-enforce it's skin with vitamins, because what you describe is vitamin deficiency.If you want my advice, drop me a line.