How long does it take for a flea collar to work?

I just got a dog for the first time. Right when we got home, he started itching a lot, so the next day I bought a flea collar. When I put it on him, it didn't do anything. He just kept scratching. The instructions in the box said that the collar would…

    How long does it take for a flea collar to work?

    I just got a dog for the first time. Right when we got home, he started itching a lot, so the next day I bought a flea collar. When I put it on him, it didn't do anything. He just kept scratching. The instructions in the box said that the collar would…...
    General Dog Discussions : How long does it take for a flea collar to work?...

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    • How long does it take for a flea collar to work?

      How long does it take for a flea collar to work? General Dog Discussions
      I just got a dog for the first time. Right when we got home, he started itching a lot, so the next day I bought a flea collar. When I put it on him, it didn't do anything. He just kept scratching. The instructions in the box said that the collar would work right away, but there's no signs of it working. He keeps whining and scratching!! Is it working??I can see the ticks and fleas on him, but when I try to brush them off, they crawl back inside his skin..

      How long does it take for a flea collar to work?

      How long does it take for a flea collar to work? General Dog Discussions
    • flea collars are generally meant to prevent fleas from jumping on your dog not used after the fact there are certain kinds that do kill fleas make sure you are using that kind. Then i would make sure it isnt some sort of rash or some other insect like a tick.

    • I used to use those flea collars. sometimes they worked, sometimes not. But my vet advised me to try something else because he didn't believe in them. I use a mild flea shampoo which has helped to control the fleas. They say the best is Frontline, but it's kinda pricey in the Philippines so I just stick with my flea shampoo and bathe the dogs twice a week.

    • Flea collars aren't very reliable. And if it makes the fleas jump off your dog, it may not kill the eggs and flea larvae. If you bought a cheap collar, it may take hours before you see any results. A better choice is a topspot such as Frontline. It's more expensive, but works much better. Plus, it not only kills the fleas but also the flea larvae and flea eggs. Another choice is a pill called Capstar. It has no residual effect, meaning it kills the fleas and that's it,, but it works great. If the dog will let you, try giving him a bath with mild dish soap. First, soak his neck all the way around toprevent the fleas from going on to his head and face. Just plain water kills fleas if you don't have any soap. Then, when he's dry you can get a better flea preventative.

    • Flea collars don't work. They can actually cause skin irritation and other problems. Hartz products are by far the worst, and dogs have actually died from Hartz products.You need to give your dog a flea bath, and remove the ticks. If your dog is heavily infested, you may want to bring him to the groomer or vet to have him professionally cleaned up.He needs a monthly flea prevention that actually WORKS, such as Advantaix or Frontline Plus. The cheap grocery store brands don't work. If your dog is covered in fleas and ticks, then they are also in your yard, carpet, bedding, etc. You need to be spraying your entire house and yard and washing all the bedding. Vacuuming often will help as well.

    • I've never used a flea collar before, but I have some natural remedies. If you gently rub rubbing alcohol on the parasite they will eventually loosen grip and when they do you can pull them off carefully with tweezers and Put them in a bowel of vinegar, alcohol or bleach (they are not easy to kill)The collar may give you results, but it will take 2-3 days. I hope the poor guy gets better!

    • hi please get rid of that flea collar. they make more dogs sick then ever. find your self a good groomer. then use any of the flea drops ask your vet or the groomer what they think is best for your area