I adopted a 6 years old Maltese male who has a cherry eye?

I know the owner, and I know she neglected the dog. So possibly it was an infection that grew to be a "cherry eye". Does it has to be removed only by surgery? Or can it be cured with medicine? And if I leave it alone, do you think the pup is hurting? He…

    I adopted a 6 years old Maltese male who has a cherry eye?

    I know the owner, and I know she neglected the dog. So possibly it was an infection that grew to be a "cherry eye". Does it has to be removed only by surgery? Or can it be cured with medicine? And if I leave it alone, do you think the pup is hurting? He…...
    General Dog Discussions : I adopted a 6 years old Maltese male who has a cherry eye?...

    • I adopted a 6 years old Maltese male who has a cherry eye?

      I adopted a 6 years old Maltese male who has a cherry eye? General Dog Discussions
      I know the owner, and I know she neglected the dog. So possibly it was an infection that grew to be a "cherry eye". Does it has to be removed only by surgery? Or can it be cured with medicine? And if I leave it alone, do you think the pup is hurting? He is 6 or 7 years old. Thank you for your input.

      I adopted a 6 years old Maltese male who has a cherry eye?

      I adopted a 6 years old Maltese male who has a cherry eye? General Dog Discussions
    • Hi, The best thing to do is have it removed. It doesn't hurt but it is very uncomfortable. It's like having something in your eye constantly. Find a good vet,,it's a very simple surgery with no complications but again it is an eye so make sure you have a good vet..we actually have a cat scheduled for this next week. The cat is 15. It is not from an infection,,it is from a gland and it's just something that happens.